Nov 17, 2008 00:10
Shady's back.. Tell a friend..
So far college has been a volatile, exciting, all-around intense experience. Between work, classes, homework, ultimate frisbee, and everything else that goes with the territory, I feel like I constantly have something to be doing. The lack of downtime may be getting to me. While I really enjoy having people to hang out with, parties to go to, and the attention that I'm currently getting from the ladies, I'm beginning to realize just how much of a solitary being I prefer to be. Before anyone here was into me, I was really lonely. But now, I feel like I just want everyone to leave me alone for awhile. The constant stream of responsibilities is getting to be a little tiring and overwhelming. I'm ready for a break, but I know it isn't going to come anytime soon..
In one week I'm going to an ultimate frisbee tournament in San Diego. Two straight days of cutting, bidding, hucking, and any other frisbee term you could imagine.
In two weeks I'm going up to Ojai (my hometown) to celebrate Thanksgiving with my mom's friend's boyfriend's family. Yeah. My sister is going to be bitchy the entire time and I'm not that thrilled about celebrating Thanksgiving with someone else's family.
In three weeks classes end and finals madness begins. I may also be taking the train to Las Vegas to visit my ex-love interest's sister who became a good friend of mine.
Then finals, traveling home, and spending the break practicing, recording, and performing with my band and catching up on the lives of my Indiana friends all in four weeks.
I need an extended vacation away from everyone.