Going from
Even though my tutorials aren't that succesful... I'm going to make another one, JUST for the sake of it (and because I write down everything I do, too). Done with PS 7.0 and NOT translatable (selective color included).
Offtopic: Sophie Ellis Bextor owns me. I'm so bad ass, my media player playlist includes her and Danzig. TOP THAT.
1. Crop your image, duplicate base and set to Screen %50.
2. New solid fill: #FCD7FF & set it to Soft Light %100.
3. Selective color layer (this is a long one!): Reds: -100, +94, 0, +100. Yellows: +100, 0, -100, +100. Greens: +100, -100, +100, +100. Cyans: +100, 0, -100, +100. Blues: +100, 0, 0, +100. Magentas: -100, -100, -100, +100. Whites: +30, 0, +30, +10. Neutrals: +45, -10, -70 (variable), +10. Blacks: 0, 0, -50, +100.
4. New solid fill: #2E3B5F & set it to Exclusion #50.
5. Duplicate base, drag to top and set to Soft Light %50.
6. New Hue/Saturation layer: Set Master to +25, Reds to +20 and, in my case, I wanted to make the green on her eyes look brighter so I set the Greens saturation to +20 too. You can do the same with whichever color you want to stand out from the others, or simply ignore this step.
You're done! Sharpening, brushing, texting and other kinds of enhancement are allowed. Please don't be a silent tester and comment me showing your result (if you used it)!. It's really nice to get feedback from my hard work.