Aug 03, 2004 05:16
hey hey hey. im at sarahs house right now and me her and josh are watching full house lol. so yea i dyedmy hair black and theni started to cry. i havent hadmy hair black in liek forever and i hate it.when i go home tomorro ill post somepics cuz i was slupid and didntbring the cord for my digital camera (which im in love with).wow so yea lol. hmm there is like nothing to do. oh yea im sick and omg it sucks oh yea! we went to stewerts and i bougth 10 red bulls and everyone in the store was stareing at me it was funny lol. HAHA the beach boys are on the show lol.anyways yea lol. heh. so yea they did it they raised a fake amount of money for a fake children hospital. when u think about it thats kinda messed up they should have made it a realshow when it first aired and realli raised money. anyways my lips are burning!>.< so yea im bored so ill post pics tomorro of my horrible hair. OMH! josh just mentioned DZ i LOVED DZ it frickin rocked. ah [tear] i need to get people together and go to chucky cheese heh. OMG POST if u wanna go with me and sarah! maybe joe will be working. god i miss joe i frickin lost him number. omg sarah is 15 and she cant ride a bike. i need to teach her. shes gunna learn.haha sarahs like screaming at the tv cuz she was supposed to get DQ yesterday but we didnt go lol. oh yea NO ONE EAT STEWERTS ICE CRAEAM that they scoop themselves. BAD! BAD! BAD! but yea anyways im bored so im gunan go. ta ta
<3 ambur
Question of the day:for or against pre-marital sex.