I can't stand nights like these...

Oct 18, 2004 22:25

Last night I had a dream that I was going to die in a month or so. In the dream it made me question why I would even bother to do anything anymore. It was so realistic, that when I woke up, I was really upset asked my mom if it was true. I realized then, that I was still half asleep, but my mother almost broke into tears anyway.

It's bad enough that I tossd and turned all night long from lack of air because I'm sick, but to wake up thinking I was going to die, seriously scared the crap out of me.

I missed school today because I could barely get out of bed. I was so bored all freakin day. I think the highlight of my day was checking my voicemail because I failed to pick up my phone this morning. I had a message from Ryan who was just giggling about a part in The Perks of being a Wallflower. Maybe if I had picked up, I might not have had that stupid nightmare.

I'm OVER having nightmares!
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