
Aug 30, 2004 23:52

As much as I could say school sucks, boys suck, people suck, life sucks in general...I'm not actually going to.

I'm pretty happy where I'm at right now. School isn't too bad, aside from Chemistry.

Boys, well, boys are always dumb. That's just a given, but I'm developing a pretty good friendship with one in particular which is cool.

People are people. Everyone has their days of sucking. Drama is silly. I know one person in particular has a small problem with me, over reasons that really don't exist (you just think they do). If you don't contact me by tomorrow, I'm calling you. No more of this nonsense. EVERYTHING will be just fine and dandy by HANSON!

My right thigh just went numb and the numbness is working it's way up to my vag. It feels crazy. HOOOOOOOOOOT!
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