My new art blog! I feel weird dumping all my art into this journal. So I made a new journal for art posts only - hopefully I will be able to link it to many places to have a bit of a blog going on.
Add me if you'd like!
Most of it will be public, I am just going to have watermarks on everything. So you don't have to add me as a friend if you rather just watch the journal or what not. I will be doing the same thing though that I was doing on here with the more adult images - a friends filter. So if you want to be a part of that you will have to add my journal and let me know so I can put you on that list. If you are already on that list here I will add you in a second on that journal, so just add my back.
What else was I gonna say.... :p PinkPistol was taken NOOOOOOOOO. I have tried to establish that name for years lol XD But I like pinkfructose too. It makes me hungry for candy.