manip tutorial 2

Sep 13, 2006 16:11

Learn how I made this manip:

Please note that the images in the tutorial won't be exact simply because I didn't save the .psd files with all the layers. I'm doing this all by memory.

Also note that this tutorial is not for beginners. You need to have a working knowledge of PS7 and it's tools and functions.

To begin, we need these two images.

Now starting with our cap we want to lighten it so we can see what we're looking at. I like to use the auto level feature, because, well I just do.

Ew it's all yellow. Next I used the auto color feature.

Definately more natural looking. Next we cut our Draco head and paste it on our cap. Lower the opacity, transform it horizontally and use your free transform tool to increase the size and match it to the face. It doesn't have to be exact, but try to keep the chin and eyes in proportion.

Next you want to erase everything that doesn't belong. This includes the clothes, hair and eyebrows because the hair drops down on them on the one side.

Duplicate your head and set it to multiply; this'll help match the skin tones better. Lower the opacity so it doesn't overwhelm the image. Now merge it down.

Next is our handy sponge tool. I used it on desaturate at 10% and only used it on the right side of his face. It helps soften the color of his face and makes it more natural. I used fade sponge so it wasn't quite so desaturated looking.

Sharpen your image once and use fade sharpen to tone it down. I faded it to 50%.

Next I cut out Draco's head and pasted it onto a new image. Make sue you use copy merged or you'll just end up pasting your erased face. Next I used the dodge tool on the forehead at 10% midtones. Again, it helps to match the full face better.

Now comes the time consuming part. Using your smudge tool at 15%, choose a small soft brush and smooth out the skin giving it a painted feel. Try and follow the contors of the face, making sure not to blur out the eyes.

Sharpen again and fade it to 30%. Smooth over any areas that became pixelated.

Next use the smudge tool to smudge the background.

Now do the same with the clothes.

Next is the hair. I have a special set of brushes for that. Change your smudge to 70%, pick a hair brush and play around with it.

Sharpen once more, fade it to 20% and you're done.

You can find the entire set of H/D vampire manips at coffee_smoke

movie: interview with the vampire, tutorial, movie: harry potter

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