» 37 Bleach (6 icontest entries, 2 shareable request) » 16 Other (Trigun, Bad Shield United, etc.) » 02 Colored Panels (Bad Shield United)
Bit of Trigun this time. Made them after watching Badlands Rumble finally~ There may be more to come (Wolfwood ;;). Bleach #30-35 are previous icontest entries at bleach_icontest. #34 and #35 unfortunately didn't make in because I goofed up after submitting them. |3 Bleach #36-37 are shareable requests for near_note. Make sure to click the thumbnails of the colored panels for a bigger size.
→ Re-found the source for the animated .gifs here~ → Please credit xmooninthewater OR crimson_rakuna. → Text may be added to textless icons. → Comments would be nice.