It's the winning combi of Nino X Jun X Mario again. Be gleeful all you want, my Matsumiya shipper fangirl fellows ^____^
Both of them seemed to enjoy themselves a great deal with this. Oh, I should tell you who the winner of the Mario contest this time was, but on second thought, I don't want to be a spoilsport, so discover it yourself.
Matsumoto Jun X Ninomiya Kazunari
Vol.34 - 「Game’s Arashi」
These two game lovers had a contest with 「Super Mario Brothers」! What was the outcome of the match that originated from their TV show?
(T/N: they're talking about the Mario contest on Himitsu no Arashi chan XD It's featured in ep 47 (2009.04.30), 48 (2009.05.07) and 49 (2009.05.14) if you are curious or you can't remember ^^)
The person who proposed the theme for this issue is Aiba kun. 「Last time when you two had a match on our TV show, the winner was MatsuJun. Nino, I wonder if you can have your revenge~ (laugh)?」 - receiving such a pass, Matsumoto kun X Ninomiya kun had a serious match using the first generation 「Super Mario Brothers」 on the Family Computer. In the end, the one who emerged as the winner of that fierce battle is…… once again, Matsumoto kun! We proudly present you the “game talk” that ensued when their heads had cooled down a little after the excitement ♪
Mario is the “eternal hero” for us who belong to the Famicom generation!
(T/N: in case you don't know, Famicom is short for Family Computer, an old game console developed by Nintendo. Back in the late 80s, it was the best-selling console)
Nino: (in a mortified tone) Aa~, even though I thought that I would definitely win! Even though I was in perfect form!
Jun: Ma, don’t you think this outcome is inevitable (grinning broadly)? Iyaa, it’s been such a long time since I last played Mario on Famicom, I was way too excited!
Nino: As one would expect, this game is truly a masterpiece. Isn’t the Famicom the same age as us? (T/N: Nintendo launched the Famicom in Japan in 1983 :D) When we first became aware of things around us, it was already there in our home.
Jun: Right, right. Thinking back about those days, I remember that when I woke up in the morning, I immediately rushed to the Famicom, when I came back home from the kindergarten, Famicom again, it was such a lifestyle (laugh). Today when I played this game again, I got a very clear understanding about what it means when 「the 2D feeling of the Famicon truly arouses your power of imagination」.
Nino: In this plain and simple world, there is place for dreams, right? Above all else, Mario has a special place in our memory because it was our “first ever game experience”. Anyone can play it, and no matter how many times we play, we never get bored. Both now and in the future, it is a game that will be cherished forever!
Jun: That’s true, I just can’t imagine a world where Mario no longer exists. By the way, Nino, normally how do you play game?
Nino: Well, about that, I play for a long time, on and on and on ♪
Jun: Don’t your eyes or your body get tired from that?
Nino: Umm, maybe the joy I have overwhelmes all the tiredness. If I have time, I would want to play for an entire day, from early morning till late night.
Jun: Surely when it comes to games, once you start, it’s quite hard to get away, right? I understand that well enough so when I’m busy I try my best to restrain from picking up any game; if I happen to be absorbed in a game at that moment, I’ll try to take a break in the middle. In exchange, whenever I have time, I’ll concentrate 100% on games. That is my principle in playing games (laugh).
(X Monster: Jun! Jun sama! Please teach me how to do that! I’m dearly in need of such a principle when it comes to Arashi. Please teach me how to take a break from Arashi when I’m drowning in homework!!!!! Help!)
Nino: Oh, you stated such words of wisdom (laugh)!
Jun: I consider myself a “player” when it comes to games, but Nino, recently you often say that 「I want to make game music」, right?
Nino: It is something I started to think about simply because I like games, 「It’s nice if I can do this as a job someday」, I thought. It’s music based on games, so there are bound to be a lot of restraints, but exactly because of those rules, it’s going to be an intriguing task.
Jun: I see, I’d love to see you put that into practice. What’s more, these days the high-tech picture and music elements of games are awesome.
Nino: It has got to a level which we can’t even imagine, right?
Jun: In particular, the reality of the 3D worlds always manages to surprise me! In my case, recently I’m not playing games as much as I used to when I was a kid, so most likely I’m still unable to get used to all the latest technology. I think in the future games are going to evolve even more.
Nino: That’s right. (in the manner of a commentator) I expect that…… the evolution of game network is going to progress at a much faster rate, and with that, the time will come when people all over the world can participate in the same game together.
(X Monster’s comment: Nino has fallen under Shou’s influence?)
Jun: Just what you would expect from Arashi’s game authority, such a pinpoint comment!
Nino: Well, before challenging people from all over the world, I have to aim for the title of Arashi’s “Mario King” first. I guess my skill need to be polished much more~ (laugh)!
A preview of next issue?
Next Ninomiya Kazunari X Aiba Masaki
The next theme is decided by MatsuJun!
「I want a talk about photographs! As for the theme of the accompanied photo shoot, you shall go with "the best expressions I have never shown anyone so far" (broadly grinning). The camera is an absolute necessity in my life. I bring it along for a walk every day」
Next issue's theme is...
「Photo’s Arashi」
No image this time because I don't think I'm allowed to.
Here's where I found the scans of this issue if you want to take a look :D Jun & Nino are adorable <3 <3 <3