This is going to be a strange day.
First of all, there's work. Lots and lots of work. Suddenly we are crazy busy (though there's a lull at the moment that's scaring me a bit) and I've barely had time to breathe the last couple days. Add on to that the fact that this is day 11 in my having to come to work streak and I'm feeling discombobulated.
Secondly, I have to go to a funeral today. It's for one of our older agents. She was 95 and a very sweet lady who kept coming into the office right until the end. We had a birthday party for her just a couple weeks ago and we could all tell she wasn't feeling well. She passed away on Sunday and her burial is today. They're closing down the office for a couple hours so that we can all go.
Thirdly, I'm going to the Ben Fold's concert tonight. I'm really looking forward to it because I've wanted to see him play live for a long time and he's playing with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra which is different and should be pretty cool.
So, weird day. Kinda up and down. Also, I just smashed my fingers between my desk and the arm of my chair while scooting up. Ow.
Lee Pace is part of the new Marmaduke movie? Not sure how I feel about that.