~ Working a half day today. Yay for half days - they put me in a very good mood. Wish I was doing something interesting with my afternoon, but unfortunately not. Still, I won't be at work, soooo...happiness!
~ After hearing much bitching and moaning from Brian yesterday morning and then realizing that I was doing my own fair share of bitching and moaning as well I came to an obvious realization: my life is not that hard. I really need to stop complaining about things like my job or money or house issues. I'm lucky to have any of those things. The end.
~ This optimistic attitude has been brought to you by my recent finished reading of Girlbomb: A Halfway Homeless Memoir by Janice Erlbaum and the started reading of Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic by Alison Bechdel. These girls had much bigger issues than I've ever had and *knock on wood* will hopefully never have. My life is not that hard.
~ One thing I'm hoping to get done this afternoon after my appointment is school supply shopping. Not for me or my make believe children, but for a charity drive at work. They're gathering school supplies for kids who can't afford them and I've been looking forward to doing this for a while now. It's been years since I've done school supply shopping and it was always my favorite part of school. New pens, stiff notebooks, clean sheets of paper, bouquets of freshly sharpened pencils! It's all very exciting and I'm sure I'm going to end up with stuff for myself.
~ And maybe maybe maybe, if I can fit it in, I'd like to go see
500 Days of Summer. The trouble is that it's not playing at a theater near me, but I'd really like to see it. We shall see. I'm just glad I won't be at work. I said that already, didn't I?