So I saw the new Transformer movie yesterday...

Jun 25, 2009 10:51

The most amusing part of the entire night for me was during the previews when the trailer for the next Twilight movie played (and a bunch of the girls/women in the audience gasped and squealed and applauded and one lady even yelled, "Go Edward!") and at the end Jacob turned into a werewolf and a 16 year old kid a couple seats down from me sarcastically said, "Cool, what kind of Transformer is that?" Cracked me up, that did.

As for the movie, I was sadly underwhelmed. I loved the first Transformer movie more than a person should probably love that kind of movie, but I did. I loved Shia/Sam and all of his personality. I loved the giant robots beating each other up and racing around. I loved the humor and Sam’s parents and just the general fun feel of the whole thing. This installment lacked a lot of that.

Sam’s personality seemed to disappear. I can’t even really explain what was different, but it just felt like something was missing. Maybe he’s too grown up now to be like he was in the first one. I think that’s a darn shame. His parents still got a lot of screen time which I was glad to see because I was afraid with him going off to college we’d only see a couple of scenes with them. They were there plenty, but they were a bit over the top - especially Mom, God love her.

Speaking of Mom, she was the only woman in the entire movie that wasn’t sexualized in some way. There’s a lot of pretty girls in this movie and every single one of them wore Barbie doll sized clothes and piled on the make up. Megan Fox in particular who, while she is a gorgeous girl, did not have one scene where her make-up wasn’t perfect even after running through clouds of dirt and being thrown 50 feet through the air to land in the desert. And I swear her lips have grown to 3 times the size they were in the first movie to the point that they were distracting. I couldn’t see the rest of her face.

Maybe it’s just because I went to a late movie on a school night and I was getting tired, but it felt like the movie was taking too long to get to its final point and it was pretty clear what was going to happen. And there was a lot happening - so much that I could barely keep track of who was who and what was what and why this guy was doing that and seriously what was the point of that scene? There were so many new robots, too, and while some of them were cool and there were some awesome action scenes, I could have done without some of them. Especially the infamous twins that I’m sure you’re all hearing about or will be hearing about. What they're saying is true and they’re annoying.

All this said, I didn't actually hate the movie and I think if I watch it again I'll be far less critical since I'll know what to expect. I wanted to like this movie. I was so excited about it coming out. But I was also excited about the most recent Terminator movie and that didn’t turn out well either. Harry Potter’s next on my summer blockbuster list. Lucky for him, I don’t put a ton of stock in the HP movies and just enjoy them for what they are. It would be nice to enjoy at least one summer movie. I guess I’ll always have Star Trek.

reviews, movies

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