Let's put it to a vote, shall we?

Nov 04, 2008 14:14

Just a few things as I seem to be lacking in the "Ability to Find Things to Talk About" department:

I'm going to vote after work today. Nothing like waiting until the last moment. The polls close at 7 and by the time I pick up Brian and drive the extra 5 miles from my house to where I need to vote I'm thinking I'm going to just make it in time. Maybe I'll be the last person to vote in my county. It'll be historic.


I got my hair cut last Friday and I've been wearing it curly just because it's easier that way. I got a few compliments from people yesterday on it, but this morning I decided to straighten it. I've gotten 10 billion compliments on it today. Even from men. When do men ever notice these things? Apparently straight hair is the way to go for me.


I got my Wii Fit delivered on Saturday and I've played with it every day since. I'm going to save an official review until maybe a month from now, when I've had time to really play with all the features and exercises and games. Until then I just have these few things to mention:

~ I named my male trainer Raven Octavius Cleveland Kirby Edison Tobias. Rocket for short.
~ I love the boxing game. If they made an entire game based on boxing, I'd totally buy it.
~ When I step on the balance board occasionally it gets snarky and responds by making a surprised "Oh my!" kind of sound. This has caused me to flip off my television a number of times. It's also caused me to think I need to lose some weight, not for my health, but so that I can stop getting that reaction from the board. Stupid machine. I'll show you!
~ It amuses me greatly that Brian likes to watch me play the hula hoop game. He's a bit pervy.

[Mood |

wii fit, randomness

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