"What up, 2-1-2?"

Sep 26, 2008 14:35

So The Office premier was last night and I loved it. It was so great that it reminded me why I've loved it for so long. Not that I really needed to be reminded, but last night's ep just hit all of the right notes for me.

What I liked:

~ Holly! I love her. She's such a great addition and fits in so well. I was kind of sad that her misunderstanding of Kevin's mental capabilities came to such an early conclusion because I found it so amusing, but I guess better now than to beat it to death.

~ The Jim and Pam engagement, obviously. I didn't see it coming at all. In fact, I was starting to believe that Pam's new friend at school (played by a guy who's a regular on Mad Men and I wouldn't mind if he keeps showing up just because I thought he was adorable in the 2 scenes he had) was supposed to hint toward possible issues with their relationship (still a possibility, I'm sure) and I thought that their meeting up was going to lead to a sad conversation. So I was completely surprised and it was a lovely scene.

~ Favorite quote: "Cryogenics! Beer me five." Followed by Jim's incessant touching of Dwight.

~ My shipper heart is ever so pleased at the return of Ryan/Kelly. Their relationship has always been a toxic one, but I adore them. I even had a dream about them once. Why I was so pleased for Kelly after that dream when Ryan was cheating on her, I'm not sure. But clearly I harbor adoration for these two and their dysfunctional relationship and when Ryan stood up and said she was perfect I squee'd a little inside.

What I'm not so sure about:

~ Meredith's face at the beginning. What was that all about? I think there must be a deleted scene out there that explains that.

~ Toby. Why can't they cut that man a break? He didn't even get to see the ocean first? At the very least, I guess if they're checking up on him it means he might return soon.


Because I love all things book related and I was tagged by tynkerbelle, a meme...

* Grab the nearest book.
* Open the book to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post the text of the next two to five sentences in your journal along with these instructions.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.
* Tag five other people to do the same.

“It doesn't help, Johnny. Rob's got a lovely woman at home and look at him. He's in a terrible way. Bad hair cut. Zits. Terrible sweater. Awful socks. The only difference between you and him, Johnny, is that you don't have to pay rent on a shop every week.”

And, since I'm not big on tagging people, I simply tag anyone who happens to have a book sitting by them when they read this. ;)


Me and my co-workers just got done watching these two clips from Family Guy and laughing hysterically. I think we're all delusional from the heat in this room and the lack of things to do.

image Click to view

image Click to view

Now we keep obnoxiously saying each other's names. "Stephanie, Stephanie, Steph, Steph, Steph, Stephanie..."

[Mood |

tv, youtube, meme, work, the office

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