What's it like being a legal adult? :)
English- Abby brought candy to pass around, or really, throw around. My 100 Grand bar hit me in the back of the head. Kasey's in the chest. Stephanie's in the leg.
Just as everyone was getting settled in, we hear "MRS. SULLIVAN WOULD YOU LIKE SOME CANDY?" and out of the corner of my eye I see another 100 Grand go flying from behind me all the way up to the front where it connected with the corner of the teacher's desk and made a loud clang.
Mrs. S was oblivious to all this in that socially acceptable old womanly way of hers, but we were all laughing so hard. xD
Modern Film & Lit- Finished Shaun of the Dead. Today I recognized Penelope Wilton (the mom) as Harriet Jones from Doctor Who. I just had to share that. xD
I was right about Mr. N's MFL class watching V for Vendetta, by the way. Yesterday I heard him basically talking about what stupid movies Mr. Phil has picked for our class. He's got a point.
Newspaper- The papers were finally in. I was a little disappointed because I really wanted to distribute to the English-Social Studies wing, but Krystal jumped in and volunteered herself and Jessica before I had the chance.
No big deal, I thought. I still have some pretty sweet teachers on the second floor. So I took Frauke upstairs to distribute to the Math, Foreign Language, and Computer wings. Frauke shied away from doing the first couple, which was fine, but I was planning on visiting Mr. T, so I turned around and saw that he was already at his door, I admit I kinda ran over just to say hi.
I was looking forward to distributing to Mr. E's class, because he'd asked me a couple times about the paper, but when I finally got there all I found was a stupid fat substitute. I knew we were watching a movie today, but I guess I'm a little slow to understand that movie = substitute nowadays.
Lunch- I wonder if anyone else gets post-distribution depression or if that's just me. All we do is look forward to that point, and then it's over in 10 minutes and I don't even want to look at the thing. I just want a couple of my friends to tell me it's a good issue (even if they lie, I don't care) and if they have criticisms or suggestions I'm open, but the glory fades fast and it's not five minutes before the first issue is crumpled and tossed on the floor by some little kid.
What's worse is the horrible sinking feeling that there is no break. Tomorrow it's back to the white board and the whole goddamn, infuriating, wonderful process starts again. The same problems, the same drama.
Still, I can't stand to have anyone bitch about the paper as a whole. You can hate an article, you can hate a picture, but don't bitch about the entire paper--especially when you're part of the staff. I talked to Courtney at lunch, who had picked up her issue from Nicole, the junior. I guess Nicole told Courtney that the issue "wasn't good." Excuse me? 70% of the errors throughout the entire paper, if not more, are all Nicole's fault. Shitty article? Nicole. Crappy picture? No picture? Nicole. Oh, and who gave me the names out-of-order for the caption on the front page? Nicole. Granted I should have known better and double-checked with someone else, but only because Nicole is such an unreliable source.
I can't believe she fucking said that.
As the cafeteria was clearing out, we watched a group of boys two tables in front of us drop some change on the floor but not bother to pick it up.
Abby: "There's a quarter on the floor over there."
Me: "Pick it up, Abby, I dare you. Come on, do it!"
I should have known better than to tell Abby to do something, because she got up, walked right over there, and stomped her foot on the coin and slid it into the aisle where she could pick it up less conspicuously (like it mattered at that point).
"It's only a nickel," she said.
Kasey came back from her car just before we left for class and we told her the story. Since then, we had managed to collect 6 more cents. "Abby! You're like a homeless person!"
Psychology- The worst days in Psychology are the days Mr. Bailey tries to debunk evolution. All I can do is sit there and grind my teeth and it drives me crazy. He's an idiot. "If I starve my dog, chances are that it's not going to get up on its hind legs and start growing crops!"
The second he said that I thought of this page from I Am America (And So Can You!):
He also acts like we should be so shocked when he tells us there's no such thing as color. Of course people have just given names to different appearances of white light because for centuries no one knew about refracted light and absorption or whatever. I know.
Ten minutes before the end of class, a girl knocked on the door and asked if Mr. Bailey could come to her class for a minute and talk about some sexism survey. Mr. Bailey couldn't resist. By the time the bell rang there was still no sign of him, so we let ourselves out.
Pre-Calc- Mr. T gave me that one missed point back on my quiz because he hinted he was accepting two different rounded values from the graphing calculators. It wasn't that big of a deal, but I knew I could get the point out of him so I asked. xD He's too nice. I almost feel bad for bothering him about it.
Spanish- Watched What Happens in Vegas. The class is starting to suspect Mr. E has some sort of man crush on Ashton Kutcher. Most of the girls in the class are pleased with whatever this trend may be, but I wish we could go back to watching fucked-up foreign films like last year.
We had a polite sub, but her presence infuriated me. She was no fun.