fun weekend so far! =)

Nov 20, 2004 20:44

hey.. i didnt update yesterday bc i wasnt home at all so i'll just tell ya what happend yesterday and today .. haha

Friday -->
went to school .. nothing really happend at school just same old boring day! then i went to charlottes after school and we hung out .. then david called me when his basketball practice ended and i met him near cammack! then we walked over to his grandmas bc he was gunna give me my present and we saw saa,sam,andrew,and alex! then he got my present it was soo cute.. its like this reign deer with a lotion and body wash stuff from bath and body connected to it and it smells soo good! then we talked to them for a liddle bit then we walked back to chars and sat on her porch and then david left because me and charlotte had to go to kaities to get ready for andrews party =)! and then torie and molly came to kaities too.. and went to his party .. it was -F u N n-! then kaities mom came at like 11.3o and we went to kaities house to spend the night! and then all the people that were still at andrews were like calling us at 5 and 7 o'clock being stupid ..haha!

Today -->
then me and molly and charlotte walked home and i had to clean when i got home .. funn funn huh? haha then i was gettin ready for the game and david called and said he wasnt gunna go bc he was sick =( .. but me , charlotte, torie, kaitie, molly, and colin all went .. it was SoOo boring .. there was like no one there!then we left and my mom wouldn't let me spend the night anywhere bc shes gayy! haha.. well imm gunna go! <3 always
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