Name/LJ Name: redfiona99 Email: redfiona99 @ Movies I consider canon: All of them.
X-Men Movie Requests Request 1: Mystique and Erik (author's choice how they want to interpret the and), time keeps moving on. I'd love a fic about how their relationship develops. Request 2: Mystique and Hank, post-First Class, for two people on opposite sides of what's developing into a mutant civil war they run into each other an awful lot. Request 3: Professor X and Wolverine, given the events of Origins:Wolverine and First Class, that "first" meeting in X1 from Professor X's point of view.
X-Men Movies I am willing to write: All Characters and Pairings I am willing to write: Anything but teacher / student. Marvel Movies I am willing to write: I still haven't seen Iron Man 2 or the most recent Punisher but apart from that I'm willing to give anything a go. Marvel Movies Characters and Pairings I am willing to write: See previous. Comics series and characters I am willing to write: Given that I've lost touch with comics, sadly none. Genres I am willing to write: Slash, femslash, het, gen Can you write a pinch hit? Yes, but I'd need at least a week's notice.
Email: redfiona99 @
Movies I consider canon: All of them.
X-Men Movie Requests
Request 1: Mystique and Erik (author's choice how they want to interpret the and), time keeps moving on. I'd love a fic about how their relationship develops.
Request 2: Mystique and Hank, post-First Class, for two people on opposite sides of what's developing into a mutant civil war they run into each other an awful lot.
Request 3: Professor X and Wolverine, given the events of Origins:Wolverine and First Class, that "first" meeting in X1 from Professor X's point of view.
X-Men Movies I am willing to write: All
Characters and Pairings I am willing to write: Anything but teacher / student.
Marvel Movies I am willing to write: I still haven't seen Iron Man 2 or the most recent Punisher but apart from that I'm willing to give anything a go.
Marvel Movies Characters and Pairings I am willing to write: See previous.
Comics series and characters I am willing to write: Given that I've lost touch with comics, sadly none.
Genres I am willing to write: Slash, femslash, het, gen
Can you write a pinch hit? Yes, but I'd need at least a week's notice.
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