A NEW BEGINNING - CHAPTER 38: Challenge Setting: Roughly in the Movieverse, coming after X2.
Characters: Fiona, a teenage mutant and an OC that I created; Kitty, Pyro, and Hank are very prominent characters; Jean comes in and out as do several fan-favorites.
Ratings: Mostly PG.
Comments: Yes, please! This story is the first time I’ve ever shared my work in an online format, and I’d love to hear what people think works or doesn’t work. Comments let me know people are reading, which in turn helps inspire my creativity! Strict canon-ists, I know I’m straying a bit. Be kind!
Length: So far I have ~60 chapters completed, and I think the conclusion will take another 5-10 chapters.
Disclaimer: All the standard ones about not owning these characters (with the exception of Fiona) apply.
In this chapter:
...As Bobby pushed towards the circle himself, he saw Kitty pop up from the ground to stand with the other X-Men. Similarly, Piotr and Rogue were making their way through the crowd.
“You kids should stand back,” Wolverine tried again with a growl. In answer, Rogue stripped off both gloves and stuffed them into her pockets, her bare hands threatening merely by their presence; Piotr assumed his metal form; and Bobby iced up. By this time, the X-Men - and Pyro - had formed a protective circle entirely surrounding the unconscious Fiona....
Click here for
Chapter 38. All previous chapters can be found
here. Thanks for reading!