7/14/06 - Alyssa, Cassy, Jubilee, Kitty, Mira, Piotr, Scott

Jul 14, 2006 16:36

"Forge exaggerates," Alyssa declares with a grin, laughing her approval of Mira's choice of music even as she adresses Cassy's defense of her snacktime treats. Hands settled on her hips, she wiggles her toes in the sand and turns away from the water, moving back up toward the little knot of students and former students and staff. "I'll letcha know where I keep the marshmallow fluff stashed in exchange for a twinkie, kiddo."

"Oh, call me Peter, please," says Piotr as he reaches a comfortable speaking distance with the group. "It is much easier." Alyssa's greeting is met with a smile and Kitty's wave returned before his eyes light on Scott and he walks over, seating himself beside the older man. "Professor Summers?" he says, a little hesitantly, unsure of how he should address his former teacher. "Do you have a moment to speak?"

Jubilee halts her advance guiltily. "I do /not/! Did Forge ever tell you he thought NMate was a /leperchaun/?" she retorts in an "and you believed him" voice.

Mira tears bits off the leftover bit of hot dog bun and flings them toward Lockheed. Wobbly dragon eyes are effective for begging, however stoic she may feel on the subject. Alice Cooper segues into the awful but party-atmosphere appropriate Right Said Fred. I'm too sexy. "Put the little guy in a green suit and I could see it," she laughs back at Jubilee.

Kitty reaches in to phase Cassy's snack cakes out of the sand, and hands them to her. "There you go. Sand free and still full of" she brings the box closer to her eyes to read the ingredients "animal and/or vegetable shortening.... polysorbate 60, Sodium stearol lactylate... oh, yum. How does Dr. McCoy not have some sort of cholesterol problem?"

Scott swallows a bit of hotdog and turns towards Piotr. "Peter. Uh..sure, I have a moment. What's on your mind?" He turns towards him a little on the dock. He keeps his voice low, in case whatever it is Piotr wants to talk about needs to be kept quiet.

Jubilee grins over at Mira. "I think it was the Spock ears that convinced me. Was ready ta fly me back ta Ireland just ta put him back." She starts to giggle and claps her hands over her mouth.

"I figured it was your mutant power, candy induced combustion," Cassy replies innocently. "Thanks Kitty!" she exclaims as she cuddles the plastic bag filled with about twenty packs of twinkies. "Shame I'll have to find a new hiding place, the dirt in the forest is much harder to dig up." A packet is torn open and the contents devoured rapidly.

Appreciative of his former teacher's discretion, Piotr matches his low speech, heavy Russian accent colouring his voice. "I know I have been away for a long time," he begins, speaking slowly as he chooses his words carefully, "but now that I have returned, I am wishing to be useful in any way that I can, and I was wondering..." there is a moment's uneasy pause, "is there any place for me now on the team?"

"Who exactly are you hiding them from?" Mira eyes Cassy suspiciously from a distance. "'Cause if you're implying something, I'm gonna be insulted over here." She looks to Jubilee and just rolls her eyes. Roommates. Can't live with 'em, can't bury the bodies.

Into this fun and frolicsome atmosphere emerges Professor Xavier, dignified in old world gravitas -- and a pair of Bermuda shorts, khaki and deep-pocketed, that bare the pale legs against the wheelchair's frame. His shirt is pale green linen, short-sleeved and breezy, while the bald and regal head is suitably protected against the elements by a floppy white hat. It is, if seen by a certain light, a little bit gay. "Ah," he says by way of greeting, steering the chair out through the atrium. "I see there is a convention in progress."

Jubilee /sniffs/. /SNIFFS/. Well, /duh/, Mira. Isn't it obvious? "Caaaaasssy... You are in that betting pool thing aren't ya?"

Kitty pops open the cresent roll dough cannister she brought in a cooler-bag, and begins wrapping one onto the end of a stick. Mmmm, fire-baked pastries. "Professor Xavier! Hi! Glad you could join us!" Kitty Pryde: Molecular phaser, computer genius, dragon keeper... and teacher's pet.

Scott nods to Piotr with a deadpan expression, "I'm sure we can find you something. The jet needs to be washed, the floors need waxing..." He pauses and looks at Piotr for a moment. Then he breaks into a smile. "Seriously, we'd be happy to have you back, Piotr. Now, this is supposed to be a party, so I suggest you go enjoy yourself." He pats the larger man on the back lightly and then goes back to his hotdog.

Cassy points at Scott and gasps. "Impostor!" she jests playfully. "And Jubilee, of course I'm involved. You're like the number one gossip topic! Besides /someone/ needed to set up an organized system, like it's totally all part of my summer maths project!"

Alyssa's distraction is obvious, disappointment in not getting a twinkie soon forgotten in the wake of the Professor's arrival. "Professor!" she greets a moment after Kitty, fierce and protective joy surging briefly to the head of Xavier house before she clamps down on it. "I like your hat," she adds as she drifts over toward him, but refrains from an impulsive hug. /Refrains/.

Jubilee eyes the twinkies avariciously, then glances up at Cassy and waggled her brows. "How much are you willing to pay for an inside tip?"

Mira glances up at happy cries. She must contain herself, and thus does not fast-forward to a particular Geto Boys' song on Xavier's behalf. One which touts how good it feels 'to be a gangsta'. Instead she merely smiles and waves.

"With such excitement, how could I stay away?" Professor Xavier answers Kitty in deep-voiced reply, a smile warming the strong face under the hat's shadow. "Although with Scott and Peter here, I can at least be confident you will not inadvertently burn down the mansion out of sheer exuberance. --Thank you, Alyssa," he adds with a pleasant nod of greeting for that girl -- and a touch of approval for that restraint. Do not hug the Xavier, for he is mighty, and quick to rumple.

The expression Scott sees on Piotr's face at his joke is one of serious acceptance, although his real answer is met with an expression that is just a little relieved. "Thank you," he replies, radiating solemn sincerity. Standing once more, his attention turns to Xavier as he hears his name, and a warm, if slightly embarrassed, smile comes to his face.

Kitty offers Piotr a wide smile, and a stick, the end of which is pointed and primed for spearing one's food of choice. "Hungry?" she asks, blowing on her own now-slightly-burnt gob of cresent roll dough. At least she managed not to let it catch fire! This is an accomplishment for a girl who only knows how to cook three things without ruining them.

Scott tosses the rest of his hotdog into his mouth. Chews. Swallows. He then rises to his feet, brushing his hands together to get rid of the crumbs. He places his hands behind his back and begins to walk towards Xavier. He nods a greeting to him. "Professor."

Cassy slowly begins piling up twinkie packets in front of Jubilee. "How does ten packs of two sound?" she offers with a mercenary smile. "All of them if you've both got a date planned." Another packet is opened and the teenage red head takes a slow bite out of it in a blatant display of twinkie ownership.

Jubilee holds out her hand. "Not planned. But I /might/ be encouraged toward a particular one?"

"Read anything twice before you sign it," Mira hisses over Jubilee's shoulder, the only indication given that she's been eavesdropping on secret plans. Back to staring at nothing, oh yes, totally innocent.

"Scott," Xavier greets, nodding likewise in reciprocal courtesy. The floppy white hat flops, as is its nature, waving its own cheerful greeting to Cyclops. "Are you participant or chaperone?" The hand at the controls turns the chair, steering it slowly towards a loop of the gathering and the invitation of shade, beyond. "I see you have your hands full."

Piotr eyes the snack spear curiously for a moment, then accepts it with a warm smile, wrapping his big hand comfortably around the stick. "A little, thank you," he says, casting his eyes around the selection of food to be sampled. A marshmallow is selected, speared and toasted to perfection, then eaten with surprising delicacy. Despite his care, however, a smudge of white remains, unnoticed, on his lip.

Scott walks with Xavier. "More chaperone than participant, sir." He nods again faintly. "Yes, sir. I always have my hands full when dealing with this group." Of course, although he was telling the truth, he was also making a slight joke. "Though it seems like they are having fun."

Lockheed has spotted the Twinkies! Oh, Kitty never eats those, let him have one, please? He makes the Cute Face once again, aiming it at full force at Cassy.

Kitty giggles at the sight of Piotr's marshmallow-lip "you um..." she points to her own lips. "Just a little, right here." So cute! No, wait, she didn't mean to think that! She's nineteen years old, she shouldn't still be feeling like a fourteen year old with a schoolgirl crush! Not that she /had/ one in the first place, of course....

Cassy splits the other twinkie from the open pack and offers Lockheed half. The rest are dropped into Jubilee's waiting hands, along with a note with Cassy's email on. Kitty and Piotr get a curious look and an impish grin. < < Kitty's in loooooooovvvvveeeee, Kitty's in /love/. > >

"Then you may chaperone me if you like," Xavier says firmly, amusement a rich, textured note in the cultured baritone. His chair rolls to a pause, turned towards the water. "Even hard-working faculty must have their moments of relaxation. As the old saying goes, all work and no play--" His changeable gaze skims towards the grouping of old and young women around the dragon. The Professor looks resigned. "And how does Alex fare?"

It takes Piotr a moment to work out what Kitty is trying to tell him, then realisation hits and he licks his lips, head retreating a little towards his shoulders in embarrassment as his cheeks colour to a fetching pink. "Ah, thank you," he says, mumbling somewhat through his smile. There really is no reason for him to be this embarrassed over a little bit of marshmallow. This level of embarrassment is quite illogical.

Mira sidles up behind Cassy, splitting her concentration between talk and playing impromptu DJ. "You're an evil genius, you know that? Like, you could be a James Bond villain."

Waving to Jubilee as she departs the docks, Alyssa looks -- briefly -- back toward Xavier and Scott. There is a brief surge of -- something undefined before she shakes her head, and returns her attention back to the gathering at hand. It seems to be going strong, but her little fire -- is dwindling. She reapproaches it and settles on her log, poking at the failing fire with a coathanger poker.

Scott raises a brow at Xavier. "Sir, if this is your way of telling me to loosen up and have fun.." He trails off. He nods once. "Alex is adjusting. Of course, he still has no concept of dicipline, but he is trying, to say the least." He lays a hand on Xavier's shoulder. "But I understand what you mean. However..." He clears his throat. "..as you stated earlier. Someone has to make sure that the mansion isn't burned down." A ghost of a smile comes to his lips before he pats Xavier's shoulder and turns to walk back to the small group.

"Shhhhh!" Cassy says to Mira as she hunts for the camera, which is quickly aimed at Kitty and piotr. Then with a click and a camera flash a picture of the happy couple, or happy couple to be, is taken. They look rather cute, everyone may go awh. "Perfect!" she declares loudly.

Lockheed decides to help out with the fire. FWOOSH! Who needs matches when one has a tiny little fire-breathing beast on hand? He immediately looks for some sort of reward for his deed, be it affection or food.

Professor Xavier's mouth twitches. << If you could also prevent them from painting it an unsuitable color, >> he adds silently to Piotr and Summers -- and, wry with warning, Jubilee, << I would be quite appreciative. Enjoy your afternoon. >> Dignified still, floppy hat bouncing amiably over his shoulders, the telepath wheels himself off to find peace and quiet down the path.

[Log ends]

Party by the docks. Cameo by Xavier! He comes, he goes.

jubilee, scott, piotr, mira, kitty, alyssa, cassy

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