Fortunately for those who drop by unexpectedly, the poisonous princess of the Brotherhood is actually at home tonight. Curled up on her settee, the only sound coming from Toxin is the occasional rustle of a page when it is turned. A glass of wine sits on the small table next to her, but to judge from the amount of condensation on the glass, it hasn't been touched very much. The room is warm in comparison to the outdoors, but the wind is enough to periodically rattle the large window panes set into one wall.
"Toxin!" Apparently, Erik knows she's in there, and he's not at all intent on being polite and doing the proper thing, which would involve something along the lines of...knocking. His voice cold and steely, it doesn't really sound as if he's in the best of moods, either.
Oh, bloody hell. The last thing Toxin truly wants on a rare peaceful evening is to have it interrupted by a pissed off Magneto. I mean, of course Toxin -loves- to have her dearest leader visit, of course. Setting the book down and heading to the door, she throws the locks and opens it. He could have done that himself. "Erik, do come in." she offers, and lets him in before shutting and relocking the door. "I believe we discussed you -not- using my codename when in my apartment? Oh, and welcome back. Can I get you a drink?" Yes, same old Toxin. But is it the same old Magneto.
"Yes, you can." Looking a little windblown in his overcoat and dark leather gloves, Erik removes his fedora automatically before gently setting the suitcase in his left hand down and flicking his glare carefully over the apartment. "Whatever was it that you wanted me to call you instead?"
Toxin holds out a hand for Magneto's overcoat and fedora, then hangs them up on convenient hooks before heading towards the kitchen. "Make yourself comfortable. And I believe you were going to call me by my name." she retorts. There are sounds of cabinets being opened and shut , then the woman returns with two glasses, brandy for Erik and vodka for herself. What do you expect from a Russian-bred and raised woman? "What brings you to my apartment this evening? You don't usually make house calls, though I admit there's no alcohol on the island, and certainly not the drinks you prefer."
Magneto sighs as he hands off his coat, the tense lines around his scowl fading somewhat at her much more casual manner. "Yes, of course. But Toxin is really so much more apt. It certainly carries more impact, anyway." Still intent on being at least somewhat difficult, Erik takes his time in moving for the couch once he's taken the glass offered to him. "There was a note on my desk, I believe."
Toxin seats herself in the chair closest to the couch, being polite enough not to try to sit right next to him. "Ah yes, the note. I do have a gift for you, and her name is Amara DePalmo. An interesting mutant, and one worth cultivating, I think. She's a thief right now, and a good one. That bank robbery on the West side a few months ago that they never solved was done by her. Also, that Grecian vase stolen from the Central-West Art Museum was done by her. The vase has since appeared in a private collection in France." She pauses and sips at her drink, waiting for the inevitable questions.
"Interesting." Still in the process of smoothing down his own feathers at a rate that suggests that he's having to do them individually, Erik settles back into the soft leather of the couch with an expression that's carefully considering despite any lingering traces of irritation. "What is it that makes her so effective?"
Toxin collects her thoughts for a moment before responding. "Her powers are shadow-based. She can gather them around herself and cloak with them. It's quite effective, she demonstrated it for me and if not for my senses, I wouldn't have been able to find her at all. She is rather sensitive to light and heat, though." She stops and takes another drink, carefully considering her words. "I have the suspiscion that I haven't seen the fullest extent of her powers yet."
"Mmm. Very interesting. Of course, the fact that she seems to have been working independently as a thief is somewhat worrysome on its own, without considering that she might be capable of escaping the Island without us realizing it. Did she give you any reason to believe that we could trust her to fall in with our cause without attempting to take advantage of what we have to offer?" His eyes narrowed slightly over his glass, Erik watches Toxin carefully in anticipation of her response.
Toxin chuckles softly, shaking her head. "Amara is tired of the hit and run sort of life she's leading Erik, I can assure you of that. It was originally Sabella who found her, but she has taken more of a liking to me. I would sponsor her to you and take over her training, if that would be agreeable." It almost sounds like Toxin is offering to be responsible for this girl.
"I suppose it would be, as long as you are certain that you can control her." And apparently, it's as simple as that, for Magneto nods once before changing the subject slightly. "I have recently taken an interest in Warren Worthington the third. Perhaps, eventually, if you find that she is capable and willing, you might have her...keep an eye on him. keep him on his toes. I have found over time that the persistant feeling that one is being watched can have an interesting effect on a person."
Toxin arches an eyebrow at Magneto, a soft hum emanating from her lips. "Warren Worthington? The man with the wings, hmm? Interesting choice, and he shouldn't be too hard for Amara to follow. If you would like, I can see if she would do it in a public place. As a test of sorts." she offers, curling up in the large chair she's chosen, tucking her legs in under her. "Why are you so interested in the extremely pro-mutant man, at any rate?"
"For now, let us simply say that I find his lack of respect to be extaordinarily disconcerting." Not as cryptic as he could be, Magneto allows himself a small smile before he takes a large sip of his brandy. "But yes, setting it up as a test sounds like an excellent idea."
Toxin flashes a tiny smile herself before getting her facial features under control. She and Magneto have had several arguments over what he has termed her 'lack of respect'. "I hate to say it, Erik, but perhaps you should correct that situation." she points out gently. Taking a swift glance around the room, she decided to change the subject again. "So how was your trip?"
Magneto acknowledges the smile with a slightly arched brow, but he doesn't comment on it immediately. It's clear, however, that whatever he happens to be thinking about is improving his mood. "I do intend to correct it. But I want him to sweat, first." Allowing himself another pause to finish the last of his brandy, Erik sighs before pushing off the couch and up onto his feet, holding out his empty glass for her to take as he does so. "My trip went as expected, fortunately. Is that all you needed to speak to me about?"
That's what Toxin is here for, to improve Magneto's mood. And for the odd argument about who's right about what. He needs someone to argue with. She takes his glass and rises to her feet. "It is, actually. As much as I'd like to keep you here and engage in a conversation, I can't think of much at the moment." she says, taking the glasses to the kitchen and appearing a moment later.
"And as much as I would like to utilize this opportunity to enjoy an intelligent conversation throughout which I am not being thought of as little more than a pawn, I am afraid I must be on my way. I plan on making an address in the morning, and I could use a decent night's sleep after what I have had to put up with over the last few days." Already moving for the door, Erik presses his fedora down onto his head before furling his overcoat on around his shoulders. "Thank you for the drink."
Leaning against the wall, Toxin regards Erik silently. "As always, a pleasure. I'll take care of Amara and contact you about your meeting her." She unlocks the door and holds it open for him.
"Good, good...You did well to befriend her if she is half as capable as she sounds like she will be, /Veronica/." Placing just enough emphasis on the name to make it seem awkward at the tail end of his sentence, Erik manages another smile before lifting a hand to touch the brim of his hat and stepping out.