What got clipped. :-)
Rogue moves to the student closest her and checks on them before she hears Beasts voice. "I hear yah," is given in that Southern drawl that is uniquely Rogue's. Her luck this student appears to have very little damage, though she does go through the whole 'how many fingers am I holding up' sorta thing. Upon the appropriate answer she nods, and the young man informs Hank that he is, indeed, coherent. Rogue smiles and pats the boy on the shoulder with her good arm, before she moves on.
Trina wags her head groggily, mumbling her response to the authority presented by the large blue one. "Here..." and then she slumps into a semi-conscious pile.
Staren hears Hank's voice, somewhat muffled, through the pillowy tan material surrounding him. He mumbles a reply, and then realizes he aches and hurts in many places, especially his head. After a few moments he realizes what's happenned to him and starts to shift away his soft protection and says , "Here, conscious, aching..."
Beast limps up and down the cabin. "Drake, I will need you to help me. If Quark's injury is *not* compound, and he's not bleeding strenuously, then he'll have to wait. Those that are unconscious must be taken care of first. "Rogue, if you would take an inventory and tell me who is here and who we will have to search for, as well as any salvagable equipment, if at all possible. Ceta, if you would assist me please.
(OOC note: Quark's seatbelt apparently wasn't in all the way. It malfunctioned. Hence how he was able to slip out of his seat. ;-) Or something like that.) Quark leans over his leg and manages to tear off part of his pillow's pillowcase and turns it into a makeshift knot around his leg, trying to stop the bloodflow. He curses some more, quite unlike him. But at the moment, he doesn't really care. Turning towards Drake, he grits his teeth and growls back, "It's harder to stop yelling when it hurts so goddamn much...!" He bites his lip hard to avoid another shout. OWWW. Yelling out to Beast, he replies, "Awake, conscious, and in a shitload of pain...!" He tries to call back his biology studies, which shouldn't be too hard, considering the teacher. Turning to Drake, he adds in a more calm voice, still quivering with pain, "I broke my leg. Umm...fibula and tibula bones, probably both broken and/or fractured badly. And did I mention I was in pain? And bleeding...?"
Ceta nods to Beast, digging out her first-aid kit (and again giving thanks for Jean's lessons) as she heads over to the blue-furred teacher.
"Alright, someone bust open the emergency exit doors like.. /now/. We need to get everyone out of here in case the plane decides to fucking blow up." Drake says, shifting up a bit, reaching down to pull Quark up gently so that he can lean into him. "Don't need to know what bones are fucked up to fix. All I gotta do is touch it. I'll get to you eventually bro, but Hank's right. Just don't move that leg at all.. OK?" He asks, glancing around, then starts to limp towards the exit doors, holding his friend to him.
Staren gets back to his normal clothes now. "Umm... any way I can help? I took a first aid and CPR course..."
Zavael moves up uneasily from his seat, stumbling a little and flapping his wings to catch his balance, groaning a little and batting his eyes, not saying anything just yet... still in a haze.
Jareth moves as quickly as possible back to the nearest seat to buckle himself in as the plane comes down. So much for Mr. No-belt. After the plane impacts, he just sits and waits for a time to test for any injuries. His stomach is quite sore where it didn't realize that the belt was in its way, and it feels like some pieces of the nearby window went to introduce themselves to his arm. How polite. Hearing shouts of pain from nearby, he unbuckles himself and stands up, only to have to try that again as his stomach refuses to cooperate the first time. "Well, shit... I'm here, Hank. Is there anything you need from me?"
Beast raises an eyebrow at Drake. "Calm and collected, Drake. We don't need to make it any more tense than it is, please, thank you. I'll get to the doors as soon as possible. Now, Ceta, please, I know you've been taught first aid, so tend to the minor injuries and tell me if anything is significant, will you?" He makes his way to Sophie, nodding absently at Staren. "Actually, yes. You and Jareth can figure out how to get the doors open and how to transport our wounded outside." He takes Sophie's pulse, checks her eyes, and frowns. "She'll be out for a few hours yet, but it's not as serious as I thought." He then moves to Averil, and nods. "Rogue, if you could find my pack, my first aid supplies in are in there." And then, he turns to Quark. "Thank you for being patient, Quark. Let me look."
Ceta nods, and begins checking out her fellow passengers, starting with the row in front of where she was sitting - might as well take the methodical approach.
Rogue nods as she hears Beast's request. "Yes, Sir," she gives as she stands and moves on still shaky legs to take count of everyone present. She makes note that all the students are on board. "Dr. McCoy, Logan's not here, and neither is the pilot, so far I can tell everyone else did their seatbelts up," she gives before she goes to where Hank indicates and brings him his pack, taking care to not further aggrivate her right arm. "Here, Sir, I'll take a look for any salvagable equipment," and with that she's off.
Luckily, Quark was smart enough to grab his pillow as he gets helped up. It'll probably come in handy while he waits outside in the harsh jungle. Curse Joseph Conrad and his "Heart of Darkness"! Curses to malfunctioning seatbelts and crappy pilots! And most of all, freakin' curse the pain in his leg! OWWWW. He just barely manages to avoid shouting out in pain again as he bumps his right leg on the plane wall on his way towards standing up. As they limp out, he comments quietly to Drake, "Guess I wasn't kidding about needing your help, huh...Look, just try to be careful. You're going to be -really- tired when this is all said and done." Even though he really doesn't know when this unbelievable nightmare will be said and done. It seems to be only beginning. And with that, he kind of falls into a semi-conscious stupor, glad for his friend's support to keep him from passing out as he eventually gets looked over by Professor McCoy. So much for their fun little field trip.
"I think I'm pretty freaking calm and collected for what we just went through." Drake snaps bitterly as he stops before the big blue mutant, letting him take Quark from here. Huffing loudly, he slides a glove off his healing hand, wiggling his fingers about and starts to move from one student to the next, giving them soft touches here or there, enough to relieve their pain. He winces each time, already having a headache, but soon absorbing painful echos of the other students injuries. He takes it slow and doesn't push himself too hard. He just makes sure everyone that needs to won't be dying on him.