Don't worry, I still like Japanese more. ^_^
I'm sick of being busy!! Grr...I haven't had hardly any time whatsoever to talk to my friends, let alone leave the school...heck, let alone leave my room! I think I might've seen Noren once or twice, and although I should probably leave a note or something, I haven't taken the time to do that yet, either. Noren, if you're reading this, 1) Yes, I'm still alive and 2) I'm sorry for being so busy! Bleh.
Had a chat a while ago with Staren, though. Just some random stuff, while I was in the library studying. Go figure. Anyway, I'll try and talk to you guys later! Still have more work to do...this is one bad homework season, I must admit. Errgh...makes college look even less tempting.
Quark is happily resting in this wonderful room of reading doing what he does best...reading! Actually, he's doing some extra, unassigned reading homework for English--that is, he's trying to read Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" and actually understand it. Because he can! So there. He looks quite satisfied alone, but anyone who knows him would be quick to notice how he looks like he could use some company.
Staren, stealthily as posibble, creeps around the room until he's behind Quark's chair. And then Kurtz stands up behind Quark, "The horror, the horror.."
Ash doesn't know Quark, but hey thats never stopped him yet so he walks in. He arrives just in time to see Staren try to spook the sitting boy. He just lifts a brow and sits at a nearby table.
Staren has never read Heart of Darkness so is making do with Kurtz from Apocalypse Now.
Quark jumps slightly in his chair, disturbed out of his melancholy state of studying by, as he physically appears, John Malkovich as he appears in Apocalypse Now, as the evil Kurtz. He sighs and rolls his eyes, asking rhetorically, "Let's see...Changing appearance to match a movie actor; sneaking up on a student in the library to make a joke; and knowledgable of literature, or at least movie versions. Assuming it's someone I that Staren? Or have I got my shapeshifting friends mixed up again?" He raises an eyebrow and looks back and forth between the man and the book, debating about which would give him more entertainment.
Staren grins. "You know what the funny thing is?" He shifts in to Darren. "You can never..." Darren's female form. "Quite..." Staren's female form "Be sure, can you?"
Ash chuckles slightly. "The things yo see in this place." he says chuckleing slightly. For once he isn't stuffing ciggeretes in his pocket.
Quark laughs aloud, shaking his head as he closes his book and replies, "Quite the're just so obvious it's funny!" He smiles and adds, "How've you been, though, Staren? Haven't talked to you in a while...Well, partially because I was sick, but otherwise because I just haven't had the chance to see you. What's up?" He smiles and briefly glances over to the other student across the room, but doesn't say anything yet. He doesn't know him anyway...
Staren looks like she'd sweatdrop if this were anime. "Is it that obvious? How do you know it's me and not another shifter? And... I've been well. Lately... I dunno. Stuff's been fine. Valentines Day made me feel kinda lonely with no girlfriend but, I dunno if I'll find one anytime soon. How've you been?"
Quark laughs, his secret game complete. He explains, "Actually...I didn't know it was you. Until you just told me," he mock-cackles. Mwahahahaha! "Well, I thought it might be you, but I wasn't sure. I only know a handful of shape-shifters, and it seemed like something you might do...I dunno. Just a lucky guess." He grins innocently, but replies, "Anyway, I've been pretty good. Got sick last week, but I got over it now. I think." He shrugs, adding, "Oh, as for Valentine's Day, Noren and I are kind of dating now. I'm still not sure if we're technically a 'couple', but I enjoy spending time with her and we both like each other more than friends. I gave her some things for Valentine's Day, but I was sick at the time so I couldn't really spend a lot of time with her. The flu sucks," he concludes.
Staren shrugs at the laugh. "Of that possibility I was aware. You know a whole handful of them though? Who is there besides me and Darren? And congratulations on you and Noren! I hope you two are happy." To Staren the girlfriendless, getting a girlfriend seems like something to get congratulated for. "Yeah, I hate being sick."
Quark opens his mouth to reply, but stops, frowning in thought. He counts on his fingers as if trying to name the people in his head, but stops after a few minutes and comments, "Umm...hmm. Could've sworn I knew some others. Oh well..." He smiles nonetheless and adds, "Yeah, thanks. We both seem happy at the moment, and I'd love for it to stay that way."
Staren says, "Well, I've heard of some evil lady named Mystique, but I've never seen her and other than that..." He nods. "You're welcome."
Quark frowns, thinking about that name. "Mystique? Sounds pretty evil. I don't think I've heard anyone mention her, though...What do you mean, evil? Do you mean she's in the Brotherhood or something like that?" He shrugs and sighs, adding "You know, it's really frustrating like that sometimes. You know, how all the mutants in the world seem to be either completely supporting of the human race or completely against it. I just wish mutants and humans got along better..."
Staren hmms. "I think she might be with the brotherhood. Lucian, that kid Magneto adopted, said her adopted mom was Mystique, so..." He nods. "I think people need to see that under the powers, we're just people. We're just humans with powers, is all. And the human haters need to see that humans are just the same as them, just without powers. Goodness and badness are separate from humanness and mutantness."
Quark nods in agreement, but asks, "Who's Lucian? I don't think I ever met her, either...Matter of fact, I don't really know anything about the Brotherhood at all. Although I've heard about this Magneto guy...can't he, like, control metal or something? You know, make magnetic fields or something?"
Staren nods. "That's what I hear. I've never met him. And with the name Magneto, it'd make sense."
Quark leans back in his seat, idly opening his book again to see if he can read and talk at the same time...but he's probably got too much on his mind again, and will most likely just make his attempt to do either worse. Sigh..."Well, do you know anything about the Brotherhood? Because -I- certainly don't," he sighs. "Except the thing about how they're evil and the like."
Staren finds a seat. "Well, Sierra's in it. Someone in the brotherhood saved her life. But she's since seen Magneto for what he is... She'd leave them, but she has friends she needs to make see the truth before she leaves, I think she said."
Quark frowns, pondering that name as well. He shakes his head and states, "Sorry, I don't know her either, although that does sound interesting. Do you...know her personally? As a friend, I mean? Because I haven't heard of any of these people." He shrugs again and adds with yet nother sigh, "Maybe I'm just too much of an introvert. I spend all my time reading and studying," he points to his book and gestures to the library they're in, "instead of talking to people. No wonder I don't know so many people..."
Staren ^.^ "Sierra's my roommate. She was one of the first friends I made when I came here."
Quark blinks, replying quietly, "Ohh...didn't know that. So, I'm guessing that means you know about the Brotherhood then?" He's surprised to see how interested he is in this topic, actually. He pauses for a moment to think, and then adds, "Hmm...I wonder if it'd be possible to sneak someone in there and learn more about this Brotherhood? Like...if one of us students here went to the Brotherhood and asked to get in, just to learn more about it?" Of course, that's probably a very dangerous idea...he just doesn't know that.
Staren shakes his head. "I don't know much about it, actually. I gather they're at least as secretive as we are. As for infiltrating them... Maybe, maybe. But you do realize that the traditional penalty for espionage is death, right?"
Quark blinks and arches an eyebrow, replying, "It's not like it's betraying the nation. All it would be is a little bit of 'studying' about a different organization for mutants...besides, who's to say they haven't done the same thing here? They -are- supposed to be 'evil', right?"
Staren says, "Yes, and as 'evil' people they're not under the same obligation we are to be nice."
Quark sighs and grins, "How come the good guys always have to follow higher standards than the bad guys? It's just not fair...makes villainy look cool and heroic action...I don't know, sucky and dang lame." He shrugs and adds, "Whatever...I guess it doesn't really matter. Not like I really plan on infiltrating the place myself..."
Staren says, "We follow higher standards because we're BETTER than them, that's the POINT. If we weren't, we'd be just like them. It'"
Staren says, "It may not be fair to us, but it's not evil's job to be fair. it's ours. Although of course we can bend the rules a little..."
Quark nods, replying as he shuts his book for the final time this evening, "You've got a point there. I suppose being a good guy does have its benefits," he grins as he stands up for the table. He stretches with a yawn and smiles, adding, "Anyway, I think I better get going. I've still got a few things I want to do before I go to bed, and I'm dang tired. Talk to you later, maybe?" He waves goodbye and heads off to the door, deciding to get a bit of exercise instead of simply teleporting away. Well, thank God it's Friday anyway! :-)
OOC: As he said...I've been busy! Sorry. I'm trying to fit in a scene tonight, but as I haven't RPed as my alt in over a month, I think I'll be on as Auset tonight. Sorry. :P I do want to talk to you guys though!