The cold weather sends up snow, sleet, ice, and pretty much everything that one could think of in what the news calls a 'wintery mix'. The city is gray, wet, icy and to many miserable. But it isn't without its' charm. Christmas decorations have been hung on almost every street corner in order to spruce the city up for the holidays - more importantly the less-profitable tourist area villages. Mark is currently hanging up Christmas lights around the outside windows. He is standing out on the fire escape, letting the lights tack themselves up under his directions. Every so often he pretends as if he is doing it himself, as groups of people shuffle along the street below.
No matter how cold it might be outside, when you have an oven going in a small kitchen, you're nice and warm. Something that Nevaeh is taking full advantage of as she goes about making trays of cookies and cupcakes for a bake sale that the drama club at school is having. One last chance ot make a little money before the holiday break. The last batch of cookies have been frosted and the last of the cupcakes are in the oven. Sudting off her hands, Nev smiles and grabs the frosting spoon, hurrying out towards the balcony. "How's it coming darlin'?" She asks as she gives Mark a kiss on the cheek and presses the frosting covered spoon into his hand so he can lick it clean if he wants.
Mark leans against the railing, the last crowd having filtered away and around a corner. The lights made little tinkling noises as they clank together. Mark glances over to see her stepping through the window and administering the kiss. He smiles and leans into it, gratefully taking the spoon. "It is good, yes. We can see!" Mark shoves the spoon in his mouth and ducks down the plug the lights in. With a few flickers they turn on, their alternating patterns running pleasantly in the dark night. "Pretty, I zink. How are your biscuits?"
Nevaeh straightens out her dress as Mark leans down to plug in the lights before glancing up to watch as the lights flicker. A grin spreads over her face as she claps with excitement. "Beautiful!!" she exclaims before offering the slightest of headtilts. "There's no pink." With pursed lips, the girl leans forward and runs a finger over one of the red ones, watching as it fades to a soft pink. "Hm? Oh, they're good, the last of 'em are in the oven. I saved a couple for you in case you wanted to bring some to the office tomarrow."
Mark plucks the spoon from his mouth, putting it back in after he speaks. "Well... I do not zink zat pink is a chr-" He starts and shrugs. The boy laps at the spoon happily. "Oh? Well! I could do zat... yes." Another lick at the dough. "Zank you, love. I shall. Zough I would rather eat zem with you." Mark turns and leans over the fire escape railing, a few fleck of snow floating into his hair. He watches the people below with slim interest.
Nevaeh grins. "But where there's green there should always be pink. It's a Wicked rule you know." With a giggle, Nevaeh wraps an arm around Mark's waist, tucking one finger into the beltloop at his side. "And we wouldn't want to break the rules." She nods sagely before following his gaze to the people below. "Well, we can always save a cupcake or two for just us." Not that she hasn't already eaten three cookies. Cough.
Mark thinks about that for a moment. "Ah yes. I read ze book you know. Nozing like ze play." He mumbles and turns his neck to nuzzle a rather cold nose into her hair. "But still, you have a point. No breaking any rules." Something akin to his old bohemian-self scolds him for that remark, but Mark ignores it. "Good. That sounds nice. And you did not give any to Roger or Mimi, did you?"
Nevaeh wrinkles her nose. "I haven't read the book but I hear that Elphaba really dies at the end of it. I think I'll stick with the play." She presses closer. "I like thinking that she and Fiyero have a happy ending after all." A laugh. "Don't worry darlin' they're too busy munching on their own treats to want some of ours."
Mark lets the spoon drop to the floor. Even if no one looks down, they would be able to hear it rolling and bouncing off to the kitchen and clambering up into the sink. "Well in the book... ah, never mind. I shall not ruin it! Zere is a copy, by my- our... by /our/ bed. If you ever want to read it. But you are right. Ze book is rather depressing." Mark sighs at the very thought of it and opens his arms to receive her. "It is too cold for you. Out here, it is." Mark murmurs into her ear.
Nevaeh turns her head to watch the spoon scuttle it's way towards the sink and laughs before nuzzling herself up tightly in his arms. "Maybe I'll read it some day. For now I'd rather think happy, wonderful thoughts. Nothing depressing for me!" Yet another sage nod as she lifts a bare inch from the ground. "Then maybe you should carry me inside all manly like." Even with the little bit of added weight, she feels as though she's little more than fifty pounds thanks to her cheating and using her flight to help him lift her.
"Of course." He agrees with a thin smile, bobbing his head. He bends at the knee and swoops out his arms to pull her into his arms. Of course, the boy figured she would weigh more and stumbles slightly as the light weight throws him off. "Oof!" He grunts and laughs, pushing the window-door open with a foot and sliding back inside. "Not very manly when you weigh less than Roger does." Mark mumbles, as if hurt.
Nevaeh wraps her arms around his neck and nuzzles her nose against the underside of his ear. "It's still very manly. Besides, what girl what's her fiance to know how much she weighs? If I have a way to cheat you ever knowing, then I'm certainly going to use it." She giggles softly and wiggles her feet. "Besides, I'm starting to put on pounds, heaven knows how long it'll be before I can even fly myself up."
Mark rolls his eyes. "Oh but what do /I/ care, cheri? Not at all, zank you very much like!" He steps over Roger, who is currently gnawing at his bone despite a playful Mimi attached to his tail. Mark grins and tosses Nevaeh up in the air for a bit of fun. "Do not be giving me zat! You look wonderful to me... not matter what. You can fly still, you silly little bird." He says with a laugh.
Nevaeh wiggles her legs playfully. "You say that now, give it a couple months and you'll be needing a forklift to pick me up." She grouches, though smiling as she says it. As she's tossed up, she squeels and let's herself drop back into his arms with ease. "Eventually I'm going to be so huge that I won't even be able to see my feet. I'll hardly look wonderful with swollen ankles! You're going to have to be on shoe duty, you know that right?"
Mark sighs dramatically and keeps holding her as he drops down onto the couch. The boy situates himself and cradles Nevaeh in his arms. "Wonderful! You will stay wonderful! And beautiful and pretty and... and do you get ze points now?" Mark asks in a whiny voice. "Shoe duty I can handle. A depressed Nevy I can not." Mark says playfully. "And you are going to be blaming zis all on me. I can see it now."
Nevaeh snorts in disbelief. "We'll see if you sing the same tune when I'm as big as a house!" Nevaeh says with a wiggle before bumping his nose with her own. "You really think you can handle the pressure? I have a /lot/ of shoes.." Nevaeh's brows waggle. "I think I'll save placing all the blame for you when I'm in the delievery room."
Mark sticks his tongue out at her. "Ze very same song. You may be able to fly... but I am ze one zat sings like a little song bird for my Nevy." He says firmly, leaning back and pulling her closer. "Oh yes. Besides... it shall be fun to put two different shoes on and you wont know." Mark winces at the very thought of her cursing his name. "Well, if zat is the way it will be, I do not zink I will be going!"
Nevaeh snaps her teeth at his tongue though she doesn't actually try to catch it. Instead she squeaks and allows herself to be pulled in tight, arms slinking around his waist. "You wouldn't do such a thing would you?!" she gasps, trying to supress a laugh at the thought. "Hell, maybe I'd start a whole new fashion statement." At the thought of him not being there, the pouty face begins to appear, lower lip trembling just slightly.
Mark yelps slightly and rests his head against the back of the couch. "Do not tempt me, Nevaeh! I will!" He says with a grin, keeping his tongue rolled up and safe inside his mouth. "Oh, I bet you would. Yes, that seems your style." The boho boy looks a little saddened at her experession, but if she can bother him with fat talk, he'll bother right back. "You will have to do it alone, I am afraid. I will not stand for anyone cursing my name!"
"I shouldn't tempt you. Heaven knows you'd end up putting me in a sneaker and a pump. I'd be walking lopsided all day." Nev rolls her eyes at the thought, supressing laughter. "I could make it work obviously, but it'd be horribly uncomfortable." The trembling lower lip is now joined by the biggest, bluest eyes she can make, a little extra shine added to them to give them a sad, anime-ish type of gleam.
Mark chuckles fiendishly as he rubs his fingers into her stomach gently. "Yes... see, now you are just giving me ideas." He says with a wink. "Ah, but I do not want you to be being uncomfortable. Zat would make for a sad Marky." The look she gives him is enough to break the boy, so instead he looks away, his eyes roaming around the apartment. "Oh no... do not try to detour me, Miss Nevaeh. I will not be having it. All ze mess and ze screaming... it is enough to drive a boy mad."
Ah, he can escape the eyes, but not the whimpers. A sad, tiny little sound drifts from her throat as she nuzzles against his chin with her nose. "But I'd be sad without you there." She whispers in a the most pitiful voice she can muster. A hand reaches down to gently rest on top of the one that's rubbing the stomach.
Mark sighs loudly and turns, pushing his forehead up against hers. The whimpers get him, as much as he wants to keep her at it. "Fine! Fine fine fine. I will wait out in the car for you, then." He says with a bark of a laugh, kissing her forehead and growling. "Please, you know your Mark will be zere. Do you really doubt it?" He asks, sounding shocked.
And the whimpers win! Woot! Nevaeh beams happily as he kisses her forehead, eyes shifting back to a soft pink. "I suppose the car is better than nothing." She nips his bottom lip before settling against him once more. "I know you'll be there suga'. No worried about that. A girl's just got to make sure. You know?"
Mark grumbles at the fact he can't really stand up to his finance. That might cause trouble for him later on... but probably not her. What is better than having a boy you can so easily control? He grins and takes a deep breath, still pressed comfortably up against her forehead. "I know. But really, you should not doubt. Even if you /do/ hate me for it." Mark says sadly. "And you are sure... sure zat that is not just cookie fat?"
Well, it helps that she is as much a sucker for him as he is for her. And that sad statement tears at her heart strings. "Oh baby, you know I could never hate you, even when I'm pushing a giant head through parts of me that most certainly should not be fitting a head through." But the joking turns to mock indignance as she whaps him playfully on the chest. "See if you get any cookies tomarrow!"
Mark turns his head to the side, his mouth curling into a frown and his eyes squinting up at the visual. "Please... do not... yes, okay... I get it!" He groaned, looking very disturbed for the moment. He 'oofs' and kneeds his knuckles into his chest as she whaps him. "I am just kidding around, really!" Mark protests, putting up a pout. "Oh, I'm getting some cookies. You had better believe it!" He leans and tumps her onto the empty part of the couch unceremoniously. "I need to finish the lights before it really starts to snow."
Nevaeh smirks at the look on his face. Yeah, she's been watching some birthing videos lately and it's been less than pleasent for her as well. "So you see, you'd better be there!" A wink before she laughs and flops backwards on the couch as she's dumped there, stretching out across the length of it. "Oh by all means dear. Go be manly and finish decorating. /I/ am going to be lazy and sit right here and.. supervise."
Mark groans slightly and rubs his face, the heel of his hand digging into a stubbly chin. He pushes himself up, turns to plant a kiss on her lips, and starts to head back outside. "I will be zere! I will!" He assures her, shivering as he pushes himself back out into the fire escape. "All right. But do not be letting ze cookies catch fire or anyzing."
"Aye aye captain. I promise there'll be no burning cookies on my watch!" After the kiss, Nev gives him a quick salute before wriggling her way under the afghan draped over the couch and settles in to watch.