Amber still has a few questions for the agents in charge. Having heard Mad and Remy talking about 'Home' on the comms this morning just reminded her of her questions. Amber moves towards the trailer at a lazy pace, knocking gently so she isn't disturbed any brain mojo that may still be going on.
There's no brain mojo here - what there is is a /nap/. Natalie's fallen asleep in one of the desk chairs, her head cushioned on the fold of her arms atop the desk's empty surface and her ponytail fallen forward over her shoulder. She doesn't reply to the knock, what with the gentle.
Amber waits a few seconds. Nothing. Okay, maybe a little harder. KNOCK. KNOCK.
Natalie jolts upward, snorting out of sleep in a very attractive manner as she slaps a hand up to her face, straightening wire-rimmed glasses while she gains equilibrium. When she stands to make her way to the door and tug it open, her expression is still sleep-dazed and drowsy, and she blinks blankly at Amber.
Amber glances up to study Natalie's appearance. "Oh damn, you were sleeping, huh? Sorry. I can go if you want? I just had a few questions about like.. 'the group'." Like a name. And where exactly 'Home' is. Silly stuff like that.
Natalie blinks a few more times, tugging her glasses off to rub at her eyes before she shakes her head, slipping them back on and settling them into place on the bridge of her nose. "Wasn't sleeping," she denies, stepping to one side. "Come in."
Sure. Amber steps in after Natalie, swinging the door shut behind her for any eavesdroppers. "Remy gave me an invitation to the group, but was too injured at the time to really go into details. I was kind of hoping I could get some more information? Clearly you guys aren't the FBI. What /do/ you call yourselves?"
Natalie blinks back toward Amber as she turns, leaning against that desk she totally wasn't just napping on and settles her arms into a loosely comfortable fold. "Gosh," she says in response. "That's even worse than the recruitment talk /I/ got. And you still said yes?"
Amber grins. "He told me if it didn't fit I could still change my mind. I'd just have to fill out a bunch of forms." There's a shrug. "You can say I was riding the wave of excitement. Kind of jumped head first into the offer. But now that most of the stuff has died down, I figured getting some answers might be a good idea."
"Just fill out a bunch of forms, huh?" Natalie does not look entirely convinced on this matter, but she doesn't say anything more, instead adjusting her lean with a jerk of a nod. "Right. So. What then?"
"That's what he said." Amber looks wary at Natalie's response, nothing longer convinced herself. Right, answers. "The name of the group. The training involved. Where I'll be living? That sort of thing."
"X-Factor," Natalie supplies helpfully, ticking off answers as fast as Amber ticked off questions. "Lots. California."
X-Factor. Well that's kind of catchy. "Where in California? And can you elaborate on 'lots'. I'm gonna need a little more than that." Amber says with a smirk.
Natalie wrinkles her nose, and her exhalation is close to a tired sigh as she jerks her head toward one of the empty chairs and slides back into her own comfy one with easy. "Near San Francisco, in the mountains. Near as the middle of nowhere as you can get that close to the coast," she answers as she does so. "The training-- I don't know. It'll depend. There are some things we all do. Mutation, guns, self defense, that sort of stuff. Cover story. Other than that, it varies."
"Well, atleast you know your agents are really good with their cover stories. Had me fooled." Amber moves to one of the chairs and hunkers down. "I've been working on some self defense since I got here. Alex has been working on it with me. But I'm just getting started, so I'll need a lot of work on that. Though, I'm not entirely sure how I can be trained in my mutation. It's kinda straight forward."
Natalie laughs briefly, dipping her head to shake it. "Depends on the agent," she says. "And the cover story. Like hell I could have pulled off FBI for a solid week." The news about Alex has her brows lifting slightly, but she does not comment, saying instead, "Maybe. Some people's mutations are. But there's usually something or the other you can have better control over. If you don't need the practice, you'll help out people who do. That sort of thing."
Amber purses her lips. "Well, I'd love to be able to look at a group of mutants without wanting to claw my own eyes out? Especially since I'm going to be working with a bunch of them. When I went into the mine yesterday, I was too dazed to do anything before putting my sunglasses on." Hard to admit, but they should know the truth. "I don't think you give yourself enough credit though. You were pretty bad ass out there, yesterday."
Natalie snorts and shakes her head. "No, I was last to the party and snuck up on someone who was busy taking down a few other agents. And I know how to aim a gun, now." She skims a hand back over her hair, smoothing the ponytail, before she adds, "The instant you start thinking you're badass, I think you're fucked. There's no freaking badass out here. There's just /fucked up/."
Amber holds up her hands with a laugh. "Alright alright. Atleast from where I stood it looked bad ass. I couldn't even tranq her from up close and personal." Leaning back, she ponders other questions. "Does everyone live in the same building? Or do we rent apartments.. or what?"
"I've spent the last three months drilling with a variety of guns and targets every single day," Natalie answers, serious in response to the laugh. There is NO LAUGHING IN X-FACTOR! She leans back slightly in her chair, blowing out a breath. "There are apartments on base - same building, but actual apartments."
Amber nods, impressed. "Well, it's good to know that the training works. You should have seen my shot yesterday, it was /awful/." Amber ponders the apartment situation and nods. "It'll be nice to have a place just to myself. Can't say I've ever had that. Went right from high school to Greenpeace."
Natalie shrugs slightly, fingers tapping against her arms. "No reason it shouldn't have been, if you've never held a gun," she points out. "I wouldn't worry about it - they'll drill you til you're seeing targets behind your eyelids when you try to fall asleep."
Amber wrinkles her nose at the thought. "Well, that's a little extreme, but I see where they're trying to go with it." Amber pushes into the sides of her chair and rises. "Well, that's it for my questions. Think I'll leave you to your.. not napping."
Natalie shakes her head, ponytail bobbing behind her. "It's not," she assures. "We were in Nicaragua before this. It was-- not worse, maybe." Natalie frowns, head dipping to study her toes for a thoughtful minute. "But bloodier. Terrifying. The thought of /not/ knowing how to shoot things, and ending up somewhere like that again--" She shudders slightly, looking up only when Amber rises. "You sure?"
Amber gives a wide eyed look to Natalie at the mention of what they went through in Nicaragua. "So noted. Learn to shoot a gun as soon as possible." Amber nods and makes her way towards the door. "I may have some questions again later, if you'll be up to answer."
"As soon as possible," Natalie answers, her confirming nod accompanied by a very small smile before the last gets a scowl and she jerks her head toward the desk as she answers, "I'll be working." /Really/.
Amber grins. "Thanks for the help." She takes off through the door.
"Welcome," Natalie answers after her, watching her leave before she turns back to her desk. To /work/.
Questions about Home.