Plot game

Aug 08, 2008 16:18

So recently I have come up with a game that some people have said they would like to play. It's a plottish, brainstorming game, and it's really pretty fun. No, honestly!

The way the game works is this: I come up with a word or very short phrase. You come up with a plot inspired by that word.

It's simple, it's neat, it produces amazingly interesting (and sometimes really funny) results. It's also a really good way to get the hang of, or practice of, how a plot can go from a tiny idea to a full-fledged thing, and to have some fun brainstorming. Some guidelines!

- Comments will be filtered til later this evening. This is to prevent the thing where we all get stuck on the same idea. After that, I'll open them up so that people can comment and build on other people's thoughts!
- Plots do not have to be /good/. They just have to be. Be as stupid, ridiculous, or silly as you want. Sometimes the best plots come from the most ridiculous, outrageous, or unthematic places.
- Plots do not have to be fully-formed. Toss out what you've got. Someone else might fill in the holes!
- Plots do not have to be /about/ the word. Just inspired by. So if your train of thought can get from limestone quarry to muderous cult by way of a victim, that is perfectly fine!
- If you put more than one idea (please do!!), please put them in separate comments so people can thread off them later.

Okay! Want to play? Yay!

Your first word is:



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