OOC Note: This post is ICly Friends-Only.
Jean, Ororo, I am SO sorry and I will NEVER drink again, I swear! God, I thought it was just a dream, but when I asked Harry at Harry's Bar, he told me it was all true! All too horribly true!
Okay, I got drunk. I didn't even mean to, it just happened! I just went to the bar to socialize! And while I was there, not only did I use my powers like a complete idiot, but I told this guy that I was a Mutant, and that the two of you were Mutants, too! Although, I don't think that matters much, since he doesn't know who you are. But he saw ME doing Mutant things! Oh man, this is horrible...
I'm not ashamed of being a Mutant. I've said that many times before. But I don't want any trouble, and this guy could be trouble! Will you help me find him, please??? Harry's not telling me anything more than what happened that night. Something about bartender confidentiality, and me not having enough money to bribe him... God, I don't even know how I got HOME last night! What if I went all out with my powers on the way home? I'll never drink again, I'll never drink again, I'll never drink again!
Strangers Quaffing Carouses (Logan)
(WES) Harry's Bar
An old tavern that stands from Revolutionary Times, Harry's is a common hide-away place for humans and mutants alike, although surprisingly quite a bit of the latter can be found, for all of the owner's devil-may-care attitude towards them. Modestly furnished in dark woods, it holds a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere that appeals to many, although almost never crowded. Up against one wall stretches the bar itself with several red leather barstools stationed in front of it and an impressive selection, behind the counter. Most of the rest of the room, however, is occupied by a few tables and booths, for people to dine at. Definitely not any kind of white-collar establishment, but the company it keeps is good.
Drunk people make the best backup singers, or so the saying goes. This is Sydney's feeling as he stands arm-over-shoulder with four drunken souls, bellowing out the indiscernible lyrics to an equally indiscernible tune. Syd himself hasn't really begun his night of quaffing carouses, but he never skips out on an opportunity to be loud and happy. Some people in the bar are enjoying the performance, while others still would rather be in brooding silence. As far as the bartender's concerned, as long as they keep buying drinks and don't start a brawl, they can make as much noise as they want.
One of those wishing for comfortable silence, Logan winces visibly, not just because of the off key performance, but by the grating overtone and disonnant harmonics created by the quintet of singers. Of course, most of the sounds Logan finds annoying, are inaudible to any one else in the room. Hiding the grimace behind a large pint of European beer though, Logan has managed to avoid any requests for him to join up on stage.
Fear not, for the performance is almost over. The jukebox that the singers stand next to finally ends the song, and after a few rough handshakes and drunken embraces, the five fellows part ways. Through this and many experiences like it, Sydney has learned that most men do have a performer's spirit, they just need a little liquid courage to help bring it out of them. Wherever there's alcohol, there's a stage, and wherever there's a stage, Sydney will try to be there. With a sigh of satisfaction, he heads for the bar and slides onto a stool. "Give us a little of the Captain, my good man," he asks of the Bartender, and a shot of Captain Morgan is soon slid his way. Who knew the child-at-heart could drink?
Not in Logan's place there ain't no stage. Logan wonders to himself if Harry would get annoyed that his music machine didn't work one night. Oh well, it's relatively quiet now, so Logan continues his previous evening's entertainment of...drinking! By this time in the evening, Logan already has a nice collection of empty jugs set at the end of the table of his, with a half dozen fulls ones resting on the other side, as he makes his way through them stoicly.
One shot of the Captain, and Syd's already got one leg kinked up as though his foot were propped on a treasure chest. He sets payment down on the counter, then rotates on his stool to see who else is in the bar. Part of him looks for familiar faces, but he also enjoys making new acquaintances. And seeing a lone man with several tankards of draft on his table, is interesting enough to get Sydney off his stool and in Logan's direction. "Wow. Are you really going to drink all of that," he asks as he rubs his chin. "Or maybe I should ask if you're really capable... Granted, I've seen that and more at a drinking contest south of the border, but, there were coroners waiting outside."
Logan puts the one pint down on the oaken table, giving the newcomer a recalcitrant look. He taps the empty jugs on one side and smirks. "The coroner ain't got notthin' on me bub. I'm the one keeping Harry in the black here. Just ask him." Looking at the rest of the full jugs, Logan looks back up to the man. "As long as the bathroom is still open, these are as good as finished."
Sydney nods several times, looking blatantly awestruck at the very thought of Logan drinking all that's before him, and possibly more. "Well, can I ask why you're doing it, then," he states as he invites himself to sit in a seat across from the man. He keeps an intent gaze on Logan as well, like a researcher watching the actions of an animal.
Logan says, "Because I can." Logan doesn't have any other good reason at the moment, as he takes a long swig of imported beer. Unusually though, Logan doesn't show any signs on inebreation. He's not wobbling in his seat, not crossed eyed, isn't muttering to himself. He seems quite lucid in fact. "Can I ask you why you're looking at me like I'm some sort of science project?"
"Curiosity, really," Sydney replies honestly, and doesn't divert from his stare. "Man or Mutant, usually nobody drinks that much without a reason behind it. I mean, it's kind of expensive, a little deadly, and can lead to waking up without pants, and/or knowledge of your activities of the past evening."
Logan says, "Well, you know what they say about curiosity, don't ya? It's good advice." Logan narrows his eyes at the man, his jaw set for a bit, before he downs the last of the pint in his hand, sets it aside, and picks up another fresh jug, taking a long sip from it before setting it down on table. "Those are valid points, except, the 2nd point doesn't apply, and the last 2 points can happen easily enough without any alcohol at all. As for the first one, let's just say I get a bulk discount."
Sydney nods several times at his first statement. "Yes, curiosity kills. More than cats. But, better to die in the pursuit of knowledge than in the seat of ignorance." And he nods again at the rest of what Logan has to say. "Immune to alcohol? Now that is handy. You know, there's a casting director in Florida who says he'll give any part to any man or woman who can outdrink him. You would have your pick of starring roles."
Logan says, "I've lived too long to give in to my curiosity more, and sometimes ignorance is better than realisation. After all, ignorance is bliss." He tips his glass in the mans direction, taking another long draught, before he sets it down carefully again, giving almost a smile, before he asks, "You ever wonder if people like not remembering? As for film? I don't think I'd be cut out for something as fancy as movies. I wouldn't make a good actor anyways, too stubborn."
Sydney laughs. "You'd be surprised! It takes all kinds to make a good film. And most actors are stubborn, anyways. You don't make it far in Hollywood unless you assert yourself and make your presence known. Hold that thought." He heads back over to the bar, feeling the call of the Captain once more. "Another of the Captain," he calls in a brazen, pirate accent, a good sign that this and previous drinks are finally freeing his mind.
Logan shakes his head slowly. "No, I wouldn't. I've been around too damn long to be surprised by anything anymore." He chuckles, watching the man get up and order another shot. Taking the moment of silence at his own table, Logan takes it to gulp down another half pint, setting it aside before he curls his lips back, and belches soundly, before he gets up himself to use the facilities...
Sydney takes one at the bar, then one for the road, meandering his way back to the table where his newfound acquaintance was... But now seems not to be. Well, he should be back, there's still some beer left, afterall. So Syd just sits and waits. Friendly even when he's on the verge of drunkenness.
One benefit of an advanced healing factor is it's very very hard to get drunk. A drawback is that it's very very hard to get drunk. Another drawback, is that there's really only one place for all that liquid to go. After a good five minutes, Logan makes his way out to his booth, and then looks at the man still sitting there. Sitting himself, Logan pushes a pint over towards the man. He asks, "So have you figured anything out about me yet then Dr Livingstone?"
Sydney taps his fingers on the edge of waiting shotglass and smiles at the question. "Well, I don't know much about Mutant powers, except my own." Amazing how alcohol loosens the tongue. "Well, mine, and Jean's. And Ororo's, that goddess of stormy magnitudes. I had a crush on her when I was a kid. You don't know who she is, though, so I don't know why I'm telling you that." He starts to lift the shot to his mouth, pauses, then sets it down and looks between it and the draft that was pushed his way. Hmm.
Logan looks at Sydney critically before he snarls a bit. "I ain't said I'm no stinking mutant bub, so don't go slanderin about stuff you don't have an idea about." Rar, snarky a bit? As for Sydney's name dropping, Logan simply plays dumb. "So you're some kind of mutie then? And your friend Jane? and Orowhatsherface? What's so special about them anyways?"
Sydney chooses the rum, and gulps it down before waving his hands at Logan's barrage of questions. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Peace, my man. Humans, Mutants, we're all people. And I'm just saying, you'd be the first Human I'd ever met who could take in more alcohol than a beertruck and live." He peers at Logan for a moment, thinking and processing the warm feeling in his belly. "Don't tell me you're a Mutant hater. And we were getting along so well..."
Logan says, "Peace is for hippies, man." He emphasizes the last word there, before he points to the beer he offered. "I gave ya beer didn't I? And for the record, I ain't said one way or the other which I was. I just like messing with peoples heads, puts them on equal ground with me." Sydney may manage to notice that there's two more empty pints on Logan's side as he's finished his rum. "No, don't worry, I hate humans and mutants equally. There's good and bad in both of em."
"Yeah, that much I know," Syd replies with a sad sigh. "Sometimes it seems there's more bad than good. But I find that there is a fine balance of the two. Hate is such a wasted emotion, though. Look at what it did to Young Goodman Brown." He slides the offered beer closer to himself and stares at his wavering reflection in its dark color. "The evils of man were revealed to him, and he couldn't handle it. He hardened himself, became very miserly, and died miserable. He was no longer a friend to anyone, no longer a husband to his wife, no longer help to the world." Sydney sips the beer, then chuckles. "But it kinda makes you wonder how he ended up having kids and grandkids."
Logan exclaims, "I tend not to think if I don't have to. Sides, he sounds enough like me that I don't have to wonder. I don't have any kids, and I don't see myself having any in the future. I ain't the type of man to be a father to anyone. And I left a woman I loved, only to protect her. Still think about her everyday, she's a perfect woman even if she denies it." Time for a while pint at once, bottoms up!
Sydney raises his glass. "Sometimes the best fathers are the ones who are reluctant to be one," he states, then sets the glass down again with a laugh. "Guess that means I'd be a terrible father, then, 'cause I'd really like to be one some day." His eyes glaze over at Logan's testimony of love lost and female perfection. "Wow... The perfect woman...." Without warning, his form shifts to a busty, blonde-haired, blue-eyed female in a form-fitting red dress with a very revealing split. "And you left her to protect her. That's so romantic," Syd states in a masculine voice, very odd for the way he looks... Or not, considering what state they're in. Oh, he's going to reget all this in the morning, and probably swear off alcohol for a while.
Logan shakes his head. "I wouldn't be a good father, relucatant or no. I have enough people to worry about keeping safe by not being around, let alone a kid. Who knows what they'd come out like in the first place." Shaking his head, Logan looks at the rest of the beers and sneers. "This stuff ain't doing anything anyways." Logan looks curiously at the ...woman now, his eyes quirked. "You know, I'm tempted to poke just to see if that's all real, but I think I'll behave. And yes, if you want to call it romantic. I call it not wanting anyone else to get hurt."
Sydney looks down at 'herself,' pokes herself once, then chuckles as she shifts back to normal Syd-form. "Sorry, I do that sometimes. All the time. Well, I used to do it all the time, but then I learned to control it." Lessons which are obviously failing him now, as he suddenly transitions to looking and sounding like Logan. "That, is SO romantic," he states, and leans fondly on one hand. The other hand lightly traces the tip of his beermug with one finger. "Giving up your own happiness because you truly care. You, my man, are a bastion of unselfishness. I really mean that."
Logan says, "Okay, now that's just weird, cut it out." If one thing bothers Logan, it's having to face himself and this incarnation is certainly no different. "But where does it leave the one I love? She's suffering the same fate I am. She had no choice in the matter. It wasn't fair to her."
Syd_Logan laughs as he's told to stop. At this point in time, it's hardly his choice. "What'samatter, 'bub?' Can't stand looking at the man in the mirror?" He laughs harder and slaps the top of the table hard enough to shake it. Quite a few people in the bar are thinking they've had enough to drink when they look in that direction and swear they see double. "Love... Love... Love..." Syd_Logan drones, and drums his fingers on his chin. "Hmm, let's see. Feeling abandoned, probably. I mean... Well, I don't know what I mean. But why did you abandon her, again? To keep her safe? Well, maybe she didn't care about that, you know? Love does make people stupid as it pertains to their own safety. Look at that classic model, Romeo and Juliet. Willing to be together, if only in death." He laughs, "Which is pretty good, because that's how they ended up!" His laughter roars on for a time, then dies down gradually. "But seriously. When two people, who care for each other, are facing dangerous odds, it's no less uncaring for them to stay together, than for them to part for each other's safety. In fact, one might say it was... selfish? Yes, selfish, of you, to leave her in this state. Tell me, have you loved and lost before? Because that, subconsciously, could be why you're leaving her now. You don't want to protect the one you love. You want to protect yourself from facing that loss again." He pauses.... And shrugs. "But technically you've lost by leaving, now haven't you?" Then raises the glass to Logan, and has a drink.
Logan smacks his lips together, listening to the man across the table yap on for what seems an awfully long time before he finally interjects. "Not the safety of just one person, the safety of a whole school, actually. How about the lives of 75 kids? Does that sound like a selfish act to you Dr Freud? And you don't know squat about my past, or what I've been through, and you ain't the first to try and think they know what's going on in the brain here." It's at this point, that most men like this one would have been drinking their beer through a new tracheotomy, but Logan leaves well enough alone as he stands up abruptly and walks by the bar, leaving several $50 bills on the countertop before he just walks out...
Syd_Logan looks from behind his beer at the retreating Logan. "Hmm. Guess I must've touched a nerve," he states, then smacks his own lips and leans back in his seat. Only after he tumbles backwards out of the chair does he revert back to his original form, and for the time being he sits in a daze on the floor of the bar. However he gets home will be a story for another day.