Log post

Jul 23, 2006 02:21

OOC Note - The log's set earlier in the day, still the 22nd. :D

<> Garden Path(#615RA)
Not unlike the geometrical Victorian gardens, the estate's mansion garden doesn't fall short in its simplistic layout and design. Not only is the common rose here in red and a few other light and darker shades, but also other brightly petalled plants. Center wise a tall marble angel surrounded by a fishpond is the garden's centerpiece. Slate-gray pathway radiating from that center point with one path leading towards the mansion, another to a corner of the garden where a tree and bench is, and a last that loops and spiders out in small connecting paths around the cultivated area.
[Exits : [A]ncient [O]ak [T]ree, and [F]ront [P]orch ]
[Players : Eileen ]

It seriously looks like it's going to rain - the smell of moisture carried on a cool wind paired with the overcast, slate grey sky could tell anyone as much. Yet Eileen has perched herself upon the antiquated bench within the garden without a care in the world. The woman seems content - a faint smile curving her lips up as she types on a slender laptop set upon the surface where it derived its name from.

Duel of The Fates. An amazing piece of music, and an amazing listen. Especially in it's entirety, like from the soundtrack of Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Moving along the otherwise garden path and carrying a rather thick looking book while wearing his favorite earphones and mp3 player dangling from his hip by a clip, Lucas Martin spots someone in the distance.. with a laptop. It's that teacher again. With a little bit of a smile, he begins to approach, and removes his earphones to be nice. "'Ey," he starts, an attempt to get her attention, "that seat taken?" he asks, nodding to the place on the bench beside her.

A swirling wind ruffles the woman's short auburn hair and Eileen tilts her head to the side, as if trying to accomoidate the weather's mannerisms. Approaching feet are eyed through pale lashes before she lifts her head to greet what, judging by the shoes, appears to be a young man. "Hello, Lucas," she greets warmly, her lips parting to present an amiable smile. A gentle laugh, and she scoots herself over, just to present a little more room. "Not at all. How're you doing today?"

"Pretty good, pretty good. I figured I'd get out of my room.. try to get some sun on my skin," Luke remarks toward her as he moves to sit down, carefully placing himself on the bench with a little bit of an 'oof.' Legs stretch out a little bit before he properly settles, and the book he was carrying is placed in his lap. 'Moby Dick, or The Whale' is on the front of it... And, from the looks of it, he could use some sun. He looks a little white, from said lack of. "What about you?" he asks toward the teacher idly.

A wry glance is cast towards the sky from deep mahogany eyes and Eileen's lips twist into a grin to match the look. "Sorry to say, but I don't think you'll be getting sun today." And then, as the teen sits down on the bench, there is a thrum of percussion, a cry of brass, and the shrill whine of strongs. Her eyes snap to those headphones, immediately narrowing studiously. "John Williams," she claims, without question. Her eyes dart gleefully up to Lucas' own. "You like Star Wars?"

"Mm? Oh!" The earphones are taken off completely from around his neck as Luke settles in, and he nods, smiling a little bit. "I'm more of an original trilogy guy, but who can pass up Newschool Williams? Y'know he had to be /giddy/ when Lucas announced he was going to work on a Prequel project to the original Trilogy." Nerding it up much? Luke smiles a little bit as he places his mp3 player aside, settling the book a little more better into his lap. "I'm guessing you like Star Wars too?" he asks, smiling toward her and letting his eyes catch onto hers for the time being.

The laptop and whatever Eileen had been working on is promptly shut with a neat little click. "Original trilogy? Hee!" Her fists wave about like little happy balls of contained excitement. "Williams is a thematic music /god/, I'm pretty sure. But I'm all about the original trilogy. I saw it in theatres when it first came out." Totally shameless for her age, she announces this with some amount of pride. "I was, urm, a little disappointed with the prequels. But /Williams/ certainly can't be faulted for that."

Blinking a little bit, Luke watches the spectacle, allowing himself a little bit of a laugh. "That's pretty cool. I first saw the Trilogy when I was... seven? I think. My grandmother rented it from the movie place for me. It was the re-done versions... The one with all the 'special' stuff added to it. I also got the DVD set a couple of Christmases ago," he remarks proudly... "It made me sort of mad that they put that ... ugh, wannabe in there, the guy who played Anakin in the Prequels.." He shakes his head a little bit, sighing slightly.

A miniature storm seems to cross Eileen's face, drawing the smile away as Lucas mentions those cursed manipulations. "Yes. That was wrong of them," she enunciates, openly disappointed. "But at least they didn't touch Han Solo. Or then there would have been hell to pay." By whom, she's not sharing, though her voice is light enough to suggest that it wouldn't necessarily have been her. She blinks at a nearby rose bush, then down to the overbearing novel he carried out with him. "Moby Dick, huh? Pleasure, or is it for some summer reading assignment?"

Noticing the look on the teacher's face, Luke purses his lips slightly, but can't help but grin. Okay, safer waters... Moby Dick. That doesn't make the waters safe... it makes them deadly. "Uh.. well, just... a little bit of pleasure. I figured I'd pick it up, since I'll ultimately have to read it anyway, right? Movies and whatnot just don't do it for me as far as books go... Like the Harry Potter series," he remarks lamely. Harry Potter. Yeah. Way to go, man.

Eileen's lips twist, a touch of awkward amusement for the unfortunate slang the title of the book has taken. "Are you actually enjoying it?" she wonders, a little hesitant, a touch incredulous. "I never got into the Harry Potter series, but I agree. Books rarely transition to movies very well at all. Though Peter Jackson did a more than commendable job with Lord of the Rings." A fond, endearing smile follows the title.

"Do I sense a Tolkien fan in my midst?" Luke asks idly, smiling a little bit and gleefully dancing around the question of enjoying Moby Dick. But, eventually, he does answer it.. "A little bit. It's quite... slow. But, I can handle that. Y'just have to get into the right mindset to read it," he remarks. His hand pats the hardcovered book in his lap, and he smiles a little bit. It's set aside for now, along with his mp3 player. Apparently the human contact is more important than the book right now.

"I considered, once, getting a tattoo that reads 'Strider' across my wrist," Eileen motions to the strip of skin on her inner wrist, right below her right hand. "In Elven." The further elaboration comes with a little blush and a sheepish kind of smirk. "You probably shouldn't get me started," she advises with a faint chuckle.

Looking toward the older woman with a little bit of an admiring look, rather than a puzzled or wondering look, Luke grins wryly, and shakes his head a little bit. "Fair enough," he remarks softly, chuckling slightly. Okay, so apparently, it's not every day he meets someone -quite- like this. Especially a teacher. For a teacher, she's actually pretty loose. But he doesn't voice that. "What about Roddenberry?" he asks idly, hoping she'll pick up on the reference and jump on it.

Eileen is familiar with the reference, but here is where she deflates a little. Something akin to a wince crosses over her face, though it's not quite as severe as the full motion. "I'll admit, I never got into Star Trek." An apologetic shifting of shoulders follows the remark. "I don't know what it was, but it just never caught me. The makeup is entertaining. But I do know he's one of the first people to be buried in space!" she presents, as if to redeem. "But don't tell Jareth. I told him I've never seen Alien and he threatened to take away my geek card." Whether or not she's severely worried about this is unclear, though her dark eyes do glimmer with laughter.

Aww. Oh well. She's still cool. Luke keeps the admiring look on his face as he sort of turns to face her, and he nods a little bit, grinning some. "I wouldn't worry too much about getting your geek card revoked. You've got plenty of other redeeming qualities," he remarks, nodding sagely. "The Tolkien-ness, the Star Wars nerd-dom.. plenty geeky for both of us." He smiles, genuinely, toward her.

Eileen's laugh is warm even as her eyes roll a little - up to the sky before landing on the nearby fishpond. "I suppose I do have enough geek for the both of us," she murmurs, her voice accepting but dry. "For the whole school, even. But!" Her hand lifts from where it rested atop of her laptop to wave airily. "Really, enough about me. What do you really enjoy, Lucas?"

"That's not a bad thing, y'know. And, call me Luke. Everyone else does," Luke remarks idly, smiling at her still, genuinely. Possibly, it's the first one he's cracked in days. "I... am a Trekkie at heart, I s'pose... Original Series... Next Generation... Movies... Voyager.. eugh, Janeway... Deep Space Nine.. Enterprise blew chunks," he remarks. Of course, he would've said worse, but he silently fears recorse from the teacher for a foul mouth. "But as you can see, I'm also well versed in all the customs," he states, stealing a certain goldenrod colored droid's line, "and I'm a Star Wars fan, Harry Potter fan... A bit of a Tolkien fan.. Never got /too/ well into them, but I liked reading them."

"Luke, of course." Eileen acquiesces with a nod. The string of Star Trek shows spreads a broad smile across her face, and she laughs quietly with how he feels about Enterprise. She nods deeply with the quote, recognizing, then nods a few more times with the citation of book series. "Nice!" she compliments before her gaze darts towards the petite mp3 player. "And for music?"

"As comes with my power... though, I don't think it's directly related... I'm an audiophile," Luke remarks quietly, possibly mentioning his power by accident. "I listen to anything at least once. Right now, I'm on a Guns 'n Roses, Queen, U2, and Gackt kick," he remarks, nodding sagely to his own remark.. "But.. I love it all, y'know? And, for reference.. Gackt is a Japanese rock band."

"An audiophile?" Eileen repeats, interest lacing through the alto spoken words, phrased as a question as if to encourage further explanation. But then the list of bands come. And then her eyes grow wide, the white ringing about the deep brown with the mention of a particular Irish group. Then she settles and eyes him a little playfully. "You sure you don't have any telepathic abilities, Luke?"

"One who loves music to the point of insanity. But I assure you, I'm not /insane,/" Luke states clearly, and quickly, with a genuine laugh. "And.. yes, I'm quite positive. I did a little self-test thing by myself when I came here. With playing cards, y'know? I would guess king of spades, it'd be five of diamonds." He grins a little bit at her and shrugs some.

Though the playfulness remains both in smile and in captured in her eyes, Eileen continues to eye Luke. "Hmm." A show of skepticism is made, though the teacher chuckles softly. "Alright, I believe you. Very nice to have someone your age like U2, though they do seem to appeal to all ages. I'm a huge fan, myself," she allows before there's a distant but distinct roll of thunder.

"I like the song 'Elevation' the most," Luke remarks candidly, just right after the roll. Like a timpani, low timpani, in his opinion. "You wanna move inside? Maybe grab a bite t'eat?" he asks her idly, moving to pick up his book and Mp3 player off the ground and put them where they're safe... well, at least the player. The book's not electronic.

Eileen's smile, after a cautious glance cast sky-ward, is bright and quite inclined to agree. "I love walking to Elevation. It just has that walkable /beat/. My favourite song is Where The Streets Have No Name. Seeing that live... It brings me to tears." The confession is soft, though the movements that follow are quick, sprightly as she cups her laptop to her bosom, protective and mothering as she stands. "That sounds great! I could whip us up something if Madame Varga isn't around. I don't want to offend the woman by cooking for myself - she does cook delicious food! - but I also enjoy cooking too."

Grinning a little bit as he moves to stand, Luke nods a little bit as he listens to the woman go on. "I've thought about downloading that one. I'll check it out sometime." He moves to go up alongside her as he turns toward the pathway to ge going. "I can cook /some/ breakfast foods, simply because of my grandmother.. She taught me to scramble eggs," he remarks, snickering lightly and grinning a little bit. His book is likewise held against himself, the side resting on his stomach idly.

"It sounds like you're from the South. They can cook up some pretty mean, huge breakfasts down there..." Eileen comments, allowing the words to fade as she follows the pathway back towards the mansion. They barely have time to get inside before the sky opens itself up with another rumbling herald of thunder.
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