I haven't had such a good laugh in weeks. Took Siryn into Salem Center to do a little shopping and we decided to venture into that comic and games store that's there, just for kicks and giggles.
It occured to us that all our lives here at X-Central could probably make best-selling issues in the right hands.
Hoooo boy. Well, it's better than a soap opera, right? So not wearing spandex, though!
OOC: Have a log. A very pointless log more for the OOC amusement of the players of two comic book superheros...talking about comic book superheros.
X-Men MUCK - Friday, October 24, 2003, 9:51 PM
< WES > Chaotic Alignments Comics
This store is is decently sized but not huge, roughly the floor-size of your average Waldenbooks, but instead of being filled with all manner of books, this Mecca for geeks is filled with comics, manga, role-playing games and other such paraphernelia. Comics from last month and the month before that line the "front" of the store at eye level while at the top is a line of novelty T-shirts. Standees down this side of the store host Manga, Anime, and all of the older graphic novels arranged in alphabetical order. Cleverly placed on the wall perpendicular to the old comics wall, so you have to walk past older merchandise to get here, is the wall that houses new comics, new manga, and new Role-playing games material. The wall on your right as you face this wall is filled with all of the roleplaying meterial that hasn't come out in the last month. They have everything here from Aberrant to Zombies: the Hunger. The standees down this way are filled with discount RPGs, board games, and miniatures for your gaming or for your war-hammer and miniatures paint as well. The next and last wall has a glass shelf at waist level and it is here that the cashiers work behind with statues of comic book heroes, collectible card games, dice, select DVDs and and any other gaming gear you may need. Down the center of the store is a long selection of older comics, arranged in alphabetical order by title and numerical order by issue. If you need help to find anything just ask a clerk, they'll be happy to help, or offer sarcastic advice at the bare minimum.
[Exits : [Out]side ]
Siryn has arrived.
"Do ye ever get the feeling that we've got a lot o'common with some o'these characters?" Terry Cassidy asks after they enter the comic book store, as she reaches for the latest Spiderman magazine. "Well, no' with Spidey here, since I dunno anyone who can shoot web guck, but... Ye know... Some of it is ... similar." The teen shrugs then, tossing back the comic book and moving to check out some of the latest Warhammer figurines in the corner. Appears she's just talking to hear herself talk, more than to drag them down into a deep, philosophical conversation about how life immitates art - or the other way around.
Jean parts with a chuckle as she follows Terry into a realm stranger than any she's ventured in before: The Lair of the Nerds. A couple of whom seem somewhat surprised to see two women entering alone, since this is rural Westchester County, and Geek Girls are apparently in short supply. "Siryn my friend, you have -no- idea. I already think I have more identities than the average D-cup lady spy in some of these books." Something catching her eye, she picks up a copy of a DC comic featuring some new addition to their stables, and wonders "Think we could sell our stories and fund the School that way?"
Returning a painted figurine of Frodo back to the shelf, Siryn turns around and tilts her head quizzically at the older woman. "Do ye think we could? I mean... Some of the stuff we experience are good'nough for storybooks, neh?" That thought reminds her of her recent run-in with Jimmy and Sabella, and she shakes her head, as though clearing it. "Then again, nay. Ne'ermind. Even some of our tales are too unbelievable." The teen then offers the doctor a rare smile, reaching down to pick up yet another figurine, this time, an exact replica of Smaug, the dragon from the Hobbit. "Though, they write about dragons as if they were once real, so who can say what's stranger... Truth, or fiction."
"Hey, we -do- already have codenames, and a few of us fight crime," Jean points out with a toss of her head and a crooked grin, keeping an eye on the gamers in the store, but as none of them seem too interested in heading over (Possibly thanks to a gentle telepathic nudge.) she sees no need to censor herself, even if her voice is kept down. "And I suppose the more unbelievable stories could go to the soap operas. But who wouldn't want to read about the adventures of the Incredible and Enchanting Siryn, Irish Colleen with a heart of gold and a shriek to shatter glass?"
The smile turns into a genuine chuckle, and the younger redhead waves off the older one's comments. "Och, come now. That's just a load of bullywash. Plus, how could they possible get me scream right in a comic? By picturing me in a scene with me mouth open wide and yelling, "Eeeeee!" in capital letters?" The thought makes Siryn snort again, and then she's laughing. "Wwooo, that'd be worth reading a'right," she states around her laughter. "Prolly' have the lamest storylines too..." Finally catching her breath, the Irish lass puts down the second figuring and moves to Jean's side. Giving her a sly look, she then says, "And what 'bout the psychic doctor who teaches and treats ills by day, only to fight crime by night?" Terry winks. "Don't ye think I don't know what goes off after lights out... And I'm nay talkin' bout what occurs 'tween ye and Logan either." Cough.
"Definitely a lot of 'EEEEEEs' all strung together." Jean agrees, continuing deadpan. "And you'd probably have a figure to die for, run around in spandex all day long, and be able to fly around with your hair loose and curling without a single strand getting out of place." Flipping through a few of the Dark Horse titles as a proper Star Wars geek ought, she pauses a moment to consider an issue of Rogue Squadron, and then gently shakes her head. "Naw. Of course, who knows what they'd do for telekinesis and telepathy. Probably circle things with some wierd purple shading or something. And of course I'd have to do a lot of over-the-top shrieking with FAR too MANY capital LETTERS in RANDOM places." Riffling through a couple more racks, the doctor gives the student a knowing smile for her hinting about Logan and merely drawls that "I didn't think so... -that- sort of thing wouldn't be allowed in comics a kiddy might be buying. But who'd publish us, d'you think?"
Siryn nods seriously in reply. "Oh, indeed. Sounds just like a comic te me..." The grin threatens to return, but she holds it back in order to respond to Jean's latest question. Her eye catches upon an old issue of the Hulk, and she reaches for it. "Wha'bout Marvel?" Terry answers, opening the magazine and reading a few pages for placing it back on the shelf. "Some o' their artists are pretty decent too, but I'm nay the best one te be asking. Jubilee's friend Drake knows more about comics than I do..."
Jean cranes her neck to read over Siryn's shoulder as the teen pages through the antics of tall, green and angry, and gives a little nod. "Marvel might work. Their early stuff's a little dated, though, from what I can remember of snitching the guys' comics when we were all growing up around the Mansion. On the other hand, I -did- used to be known as 'Marvel Girl', although don't spread that around." she winks. "A sign, do you think? And I have to say, some of their newer stuff seems to be good at writing convincing strong female leads, at last. Not that I read comics." she seems quick to interject. "I, um, just glance at the occasional one confiscated in class." Yeah. "So, who would our arch-villain be?" she wonders. "Just Magneto, or would there be a slew of them?"
Still fingering through the comic, Siryn ponders some more over Jean's words. And she doesn't even smirk when the older woman denies reading the cartoon magazines at her age. (She doth protest too much, no?) "I dunno much more than what I've picked up just from being at the mansion," she admits herself. "In Ireland, our shelves were stocked more with classics than they were with anything else, though there was this one copy of Superman that a girl snuck into the boarding school one night, and it was _really_ interesting..." Terry blushes then and hands the Hulk over to the doctor. "But, as ye were saying... Arch-Villain? I s'pose this "Magneto" character would do jus' fine, though I've ne'er met him. What about that big cat that's causing a lot o'trouble lately? He sounds like a right target te me..."
"Mmm, Sabretooth?" Jean supplies, lifting an eyebrow thoughtfully as a little of her levity slips away as she's reminded of what still needs to be done. Namely, go make contact with Cerebro, and see if Lorna really -did- kill him. The shift in expression is only for a moment, though, as Jean strives to keep the mood buoyant. "He'd certainly do well as a goon. And he's got some sort of Mysterious Past like Logan, heals like Logan, and wears dog tags like Logan. Classic comic book setup there. The dark mirror to our noble Canadian samurai."
Siryn can't help but shudder over the big cat's name. Especially seeing how he was the main reason behind Jimmy's visit to the Medlab, and Terry's eventually meeting with Sabella. But like Jean, the Irish lass wants to keep this light, so she doesn't dwelve too much into Sabretooth's past deeds. "Ugh. Indeed he would. But I dinnae know that he had a past similar to Logan's." She blinks. "Come te think 'bout it, I dinnae know that Logan was a ... what'd'ye call it? A samurai?" She then places the Hulk comic back on the shelf, seeing how they've lost interest in pre-written storylines - since theirs is so much more captavating. "That explains his smooth slice and dice moves with 'is claws, I s'pose."
Jean crouches down and leans her back against one of the bookshelves holding massive amounts of White Wolf's sourcebooks for how to play various supernatural beasties, giving a bit of a twinkle-eyed smile. "Well, surely you must've wondered how he managed to learn Japanese well enough to teach it, didn't you?" she asks. "And I don't know if he formally finished his training or not, but we've uncovered memories of it, and he owns a katana set. Now -Logan- would be the best-selling character of us all, I'd say."
The Irish lass slides down to join Jean on the floor, though her hands remain empty of any books or magazines. Instead, she crosses her arms across her chest; a curious expression on her face. "Ye know, I never really thought'bout it before - him knowing Japanese and all." Siryn chuckles then, though it comes out harsh, seeing how she's laughing at herself. "I s'pose my unwillingness to listen to any gossip has seriously kep'me outta the loop for things not so... trivial...." She sighs, imagining the interest things she may have missed, but then waves off her sudden thoughtfulness in order to reply to Jean's comment about Wolverine making a best seller. "Aye. Not only 'cause of his abilities, but... He ain't so bad looking either." Grin.
Jean leafs idly through a book about vampires, cocking her head to one side once more in thought and then giving a sly wink. "So I'd noticed. Although perhaps for better selling, we'd better sell them the story from back when he was still the lone, tragic figure, hopelessly in love with another man's woman." An illustrating overly-dramatic wave of her hand and a little bow. "Every comic needs some melodrama."
"Oh dear. Now that truly sounds like a comic book story te me," Siryn replies. That's about when she finally can't hold it in any longer, and the lass starts to chuckle aloud once again. "Och, Jean. Jus' listen t'us. Talkin' bout making a comic book outta ourselves, and our friends. What next? A major motion picture?!" She throws back her head then and lets the laughter roll out. Natural, carefree laughter. After the events of the last couple of months, Terry certainly needs it. The best therapeutic medicine the good doctor could have ever prescribed.
Jean holds deadpan expression just long enough to give a solemn nod and decree that "And we'll get Patrick Stewart to play the Professor." before the snickering she's been subduing for a while breaks loose at Siryn's laughter, and the older woman joins in with a long string of chuckles, the Vampire guide falling from her hands to land gently on the carpet as she finally shakes her head at the appearance of a concerned clerk, who's waved away. "Whoo... I needed that. What say you and I head back to the Mansion and make sundaes before everyone else gets back from the city and eats all the good toppings?"
Siryn reaches up to wipe tears of mirth off her cheek, before rising to her feet. Offering Jean a hand, she replies, "Ye got me vote for that storyline. And I ken see the ending already - ye and I wishing we hadn't eaten so much b'fore dinner!"
Jean takes the offered hand and gets to her feet gracefully enough to hint that it wasn't really needed, gives Siryn a wink, and then heads towards the exit, proclaiming that "Life's short, eat dessert first. And come, my young sidekick! We must vanquish the evil that is uneaten ice cream! Zounds! Forsooth!"
Siryn continues to chuckle on her way out, giving the curious-looking clerk a thumbs up sign to show that all's well. She then strikes a pose as if she's about to jump up and out into the sky, and declares, "Jean 'n Terry, to the rescue!" before breaking out into laughter once more as she leaves the comic book store behind. Though, it would seem that she carries a bit of that comic-environment with her, all the way back to the mansion.