Walter: Visitation

Oct 31, 2009 12:13

X-Men: Movieverse 2 - Friday, October 30, 2009, 6:56 PM

Teenagers have unfortunate senses of humour. Mutant teenagers, veterans of both Xavier's School and the world outside it, tend to have even more regrettable ones than average. Thus, outside the pristine sanctum of Jean's office, there are no less than five zombie costumes being worked on, and two of which feature 'I <3 Boston' t-shirts as part of the getup. Inside Jean's office, everyone is thoroughly alive, although the fatigue shadows around the headmistress's eyes do suggest a hint of the walking dead about her. (Happily, she smells much better.) Across the desk from her visitor, she lifts one of the good silver teapots to fill two of the good china teacups. Walter, apparently, now rates the perks of a visiting alumni. "The visit is a surprise, but I'm glad to see you regardless," says she.

Walter glances back out to the door, frowning a bit. "You think with your new students, they'd be a bit more sensitive," he comments lightly, taking a sip of tea. "And it's good to be here," he says warmly. "Never thought I'd see a day when I come to Xavier's for a sense of normalcy," he adds, giving a warm smile.

"Teenagers," Jean murmurs, with a dry curve of her mouth, "Are not generally known for their sense of taste and timing. But if you mean Aurelie, she was a little less than enthused... until won over by the promise that they'd do a Thriller dance number, and she could be Michael Jackson." With a slight shake of her head, she adds a telepath's amount of sugar to her own teacup, and moves cup and saucer over to her side of the desk.

"Well, at least she's not reacting as badly as she could," Walter says with a shake of his head. "So, aside from rather dark senses of humor, has everything been alright, here?" he wonders, adding a bit of sugar of his own. Not a telepath's amount, but someone who certainly prefers their tea a little sweeter than the norm.

"As well as can be expected," Jean assures, and doesn't elabourate on what might be behind the sleepless air about her. Her eyes close briefly as she sips at her tea, basking for a stolen moment in the warmth and the clean tang of the Lady Grey blend's taste. "And how about you? I'm surprised that you're not in Boston."

Walter frowns slightly at that. "I'm... on a bit of a soul searching mission," he explains, setting the cup down and scratching at the back of his neck. "Just... visiting home, trying to... I'm not sure."

Jean nods slowly, studying Walter from across the desk with her saucer resting neatly on one palm, the teacup atop it. "The soul is off limits even to telepaths," she offers. "But if there's any guidance or advice I can offer, it's yours for the asking."

"I'm... not even sure of the questions to ask," Walter admits. "I think part of it's just stress, and not having anyone to really just... unwind with. Then..." he shrugs. "I don't know."

"Well," Jean offers, head canted just slightly to the side. "Why not start with what's got you feeling in need of soul-searching? What's bothering you?"

"Not sure I'm the best fit for the job. It needs to be done, and... well, I have my reasons for wanting to do it, but... I can't help but wonder if someone else would be able to do it better..." Walter shrugs, fidgeting a bit in his seat, fingers running back and forth through the hair over his right ear.

Jean is all stillness to Walter's fidgeting, cool if caring observation paired with a few deliberate movements to set down the saucer or to lift the teacup to her lips again. "I admit," she says at last, "That I did have some doubts about what you were signing yourself up for. But it was your choice to make, just as it's your choice to leave, if that's what you find brings you the most peace."

Walter nods to Jean. "I understand that. Hence the soul-searching slash vacation," he says. He runs his fingers through his hair one last time before lowering his hand. "I... well, I guess part of it's just wanting to be... me, not the job for a bit, and then... I don't know, reminding me why I took the job in the first place." He's silent for a moment, then his hazel eyes seek out Jean's. "Stuff been calmer around here?" he asks. "Other than the entire break-in thing? I'm sorry I couldn't be around to help out with that more directly."

A hand lifts at the apology, tipping a little from side to side as Jean assures that "It didn't really need a lot of help. Barn doors, escaped horses, you know the metaphor." Green eyes blink once behind her reading glasses, and she studies Walter with a small smile. "You're an alumni. Nothing pleases me more than to see you out in the world and too busy to come by more than a visit now and again."

"Well, it wasn't exactly the best kind of busy," Walter admits, facial expression showing that he's more than happy to skip off of that conversation. "And... I'm going to be honest, part of why I joined is because of how... eventful my time here was. I figured if I could stop another Nisa, another Jones, another... well... me, it'd be worth it."

"And has it been worth it?" Jean wonders. Her expression grows smooth and closed as the names are listed, an she reaches again for her tea.

"Well, has it been quieter around here?" Walter asks, giving a weak smile.

"You need to work more on your question-dodging skills, my young superspy," murmurs Jean from across the table, with a crooked smile crinkling the corners of her eyes.

"It's not so much a dodge as it is getting better info so I can give a better answer," Walter says, giving a shrug. "But... how about this? When I've decided, I'll tell you." He returns the smile.

"If you feel I have a right to know, I'll be honoured by the confidence," Jean assures, and leans forward to pick up a plate of Madame Vargas baking creations and offer it across the desk to him.

Like Walter was ever one to turn down Madame Vargas's cooking. He takes one, taking a bite with a smile. "So... happier subject, could you use any help doing anything cool for the kid's Halloween?" he asks. "I have a good bit of savings put away that I could probably turn into some impressive poundage of snacks."

"If you want to get involved, I think there's a plan for a haunted house down at the stables prior to the Halloween dance," Jean muses, with a twitch of an eyebrow at the subject change, but nothing further pursued. "I'll point you to the event organizers and let you go forth."

Walter nods. "That could be fun," he says with a grin. "I've actually gotten pretty good at sneaky," he chuckles. There's a pause, as he remembers something. "You taking Nate trick or treating?"

"I'm on standby at the moment, so Nate is going up to Annandale to make the rounds with his grandparents," Jean reports, smile slight but contented, before the reminder of work settles a weight onto her shoulders, and she gives a little sigh. "Which reminds me of a lot of things waiting for me down in my lab. Anything you want to squeeze into the little window of time here?"

Walter considers this, then shakes his head. "Not particularly, just... I don't know, if I can help out with anything around here, just let me know. Feel I owe it to you. Other than that... just... visiting family." He takes a sip of tea, eyes smiling warmly over the rim.

"Will do," Jean promises, teacup settling back down in her saucer with a soft clink of china. "Now," she directs, apparently planning to apply the maximum allotted slice of time to Walter's visit. "Tell me what's not classified about how your fellow former Xavierites are getting on..."

Whether Jean helped this or not is anyone's guess.


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