New theories about Toxin. Aggressive defensive techniques. Good talk with Amara/Umbra. Hopefully I learned a thing or two about Toxin. Misery loves company. Wish her luck with Blitz; I really don't know what to say to her about him. I like him okay, but he does have a disturbing tendency to fuck up in dangerous ways.
Need to talk to Toxin. Before I stew myself into doing something stupid on my own. Or stupider.
OOC: Log ended on account of RL.
As Derek looks Amara over, her left hand clutches the right portion of her chest. Not a good spot for a wound. "Destruction is theraputic, yet you must be careful if not trained in such things. I would hate to see anyone, including yourself, injured." At the mention of Blitz, Umbra reaches under her sunglasses to... scratch her eye. Yeah, that's it. Although a tear does run down her cheek. Seems someone else has been doing a lot of thinking. "From what I understand, Lord Magneto and Toxin believe it is in best interests to keep Blitz from having any contact with me. Whatsoever. For no named amount of time." She stares at him now, comfortable behind her glasses. "I believe you can find a name that suits you better, Derek."
"Setting 'em off from a distance. Telekinesis is handy like that." Derek pauses for a moment, then removes his sunglasses and puts them into his shirt pocket, as the sun's light gradually fades. "Shit, I'm sorry, Amara. I like Padraig okay, but he can be an idiot occasionally. Toxin and I...had a falling out, too. Not sure if it's repairable yet."
"Show off. Some are forced to do things the old fashioned way." She's grinning now, at least, so that's something. Her glasses remain firmly on her face, though. She's never allowed him to view her upset, and now is not the time. "The thing is, I am told that it is his fault we cannot be together. So.. is it him I should direct my anger towards, or those who have come between us?" With a shake of the head, she nearly stumbles, as if his words are news to her. Such an excellent little actress. "You two? Should I ask what happened?"
Derek shakes his head. "I don't know the details, but I wouldn't go blaming the folks in charge. I think they had to do /something/, and it was probably gonna interfere no matter what. Though I imagine it's hard not to be a /little/ pissed, since you know it wasn't /your/ fault." He goes over to the table to unload his gun again. "I..." He hesitates as she asks what happened between Toxin and himself. "I am not sure, when I think of it, whether I should really go into the details."
Umbra lowers her head partially, just enough for effect. She isn't acting here. She seriously is having issues at the moment. "I do not know what to feel. Betrayal, certainly, but aimed towards whom? The one who ruined things, or those who punish me in the process?" She takes a deep breath and holds, doing her best not to appear anymore upset in front of Derek. Her head tilts, and she blinks. Not that he can tell. "You realize that I could always ask her if so inclined. And, if you are indeed having problems, then I will know only her side of the issue."
Derek goes to the table at the back of the cave and replaces the five unused shells from his shotgun in the box on the table. It gives him a cover of apparent distraction behind which Amara can hide her distress. "Yeah, I dunno what to say, except that I think it'd be impossible not be at least a little pissed at both. But from where I'm sitting...Padraig, much as I like the guy, was the one who f - messed up enough to make this happen." He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs, then turns back to face Amara. "Yeah. Okay, well, I know you're not the chatty, but...please don't go spreading this." There is a perfunctory tone to this, and the lack of a pause before he goes on hints that he feels this caution is a mere formality in Amara's case. "Toxin slept with Magneto."
His lack of cursing causes Umbra to smile. Although the smile is gone by the time he will face her again. "It is unclear if anger is the emotion to be felt. I am not one for having many emotions, as you may well know, and the whole situation confuses me. I also know not if I should simply move on." At his comment about keeping things secret, Amara finally lifts the glassses from her face and allows them to rest atop her head. Her expression is blank, but it is clear in the unclear ways of Umbra that she means she'll be silent. Eyes widen at the news, as she leans her head forward slightly. "You are sure?" Her tone is disbelief. "When? Is this after Sabella?"
Derek grimaces at the comment about moving on. "On that, I am /definitely/ not going offer advice. 'Cause I just know, whatever I say, it'll probably come back to make me look bad." He looks up at Amara, catching her eye for some unprotected eye contact, a relatively rare event for either party. "Yeah. I'm sure. I wouldn't've known, except that she told me. An' I appreciate her being honest, but...Go figure that when she told me, I was kinda pissed. We got into a loud argument, and I thought it was cooling down, when she suddenly started heating up again because she thinks, and I /really/ have no idea why she thinks this, that people view /her/ as /my/ plaything. I always figured, with her as second in command, people figured the other way. And for some reason, /that's/ when it finally went to shit."
"Derek, I want your advice. Toxin told me that I should never have been with him in the first place. I just would like to know how someone else, whom I view as being similar to myself, feels." The eye contact between the two is rare, and Umbra takes in as much of it as possible. She listens to the story, then nibbles softly on her lips. "Perhaps she was hinting at the Alpha male syndrome, as I like to call it. Several men here have it. You know, when they place a sort of barrier around their female and warn others to stay away, even if they do not mean to." Yes, Amara knows full well what Toxin is talking about. At least she's not trying to sound like she believes it. "Relationships on island are tricky. Period. I can understand why thinking that way would upset her, but I still fail to see how that is considered going to shit."
Well, if Amara is going to push for his advice, Derek will come up with something. "I...look, Amara, for people like us, I don't think we findpeople to...genuinely care about very often," he says quietly. "And it's worth making an effort for. If you do cut it now, make it firm and clean." He scratches his goatee uncomfortably. "Yeah, I know. And of course I'm an alpha, but I've been working hard to keep from being a possessive asshole. Anyway, when I say go to shit, I mean that ...Shit. I grabbed her by the upper arms, which I meant just for emphasis. But I hurt her without meaning to. So I let go and got the hell out. And yes, I feel like shit."
That certainly is some advice. "I would love to remain devoted, but..." I already cheated! ".. I cannot wait for the rest of my life. While no child, I have many more years left to live." His explaintion goes further than what Toxin said, which nearly prompts a response from Amara. Instead she remains calm, and -almost- appears to be comforting. "A man such as your self could easily outmatch her in strength, without realizing it. Indeed." There's a pause as the wheels in her head begin turning. What to do with this? "So long as you are not proud of your actions, then they should not be held entirely against you, I would think. Especially in certain circumstances. I know that if I were to ever find out Padraig was wandering, I would be liable to shoot him. In fact, I nearly did long ago."
"Yeah," Derek agrees as Amara says she can't wait forever. "I have to admit, I don't know how much I'd be willing to wait, either. If you're having trouble deciding, you might try asking Toxin to tell you in confidence how long the rule is gonna be in place for; as you say, /you/ aren't being punished. And I imagine it'd help to know how long it'll be, or what has to happen to lift the ban. If it's not gonna lift, then maybe you /should/ cut it off." Given the contradictory advice he is offering, his ambivolence on the subject is gradually coming clear. "Yeah, seriously. I nearly snapped at the beginning of the conversation, which woulda gone badly. But then suddenly she was pressing /me/ on something that I felt was bullshit. That was a seriously fucked up conversation."
Umbra lowers her head once more, this time to the point where Derek cannot see her face. "I am not so sure if the ban will ever lift. It would seem, at times, that I am the only one who believes in him. My hero." That she -cheated- on. Boy, the guilt is hitting hard now. "What is it," she begins, lifting her head. "with people on island as of late? Always with the drama, the arguements, the suspicion.. the cheating." Again Umbra shakes her head. "I only agreed to be with Padraig since what he did was not cheating. If he would have cheated on me... I highly doubt I would ever speak to him again."
Derek shakes his head. "I dunno. You /do/ have to bear in mind, we're a bunch of frighteningly powerful psychopathic terrorists. Makes us tend to be selfish. And makes little things blow way out of proportion, dangerously so." He frowns abruptly. "Shit. /That's/ what's going on with Toxin isn't it. Her worries over me leaving her made her bring up all her issues with me; makes it an aggressive defense. And I got drawn in and made it worse. Dammit!"
OOC: From this point, RP had to be called. I think we can assume some pleasantries (and probably Amara covertly rolling her eyes at Derek's cheap psychology) and then Derek taking off due to low light and leaving the range to her.