Dec 13, 2004 19:52
So apparently it was an empty threat. FUCK YOU FOR SAYING IT.
Now my dad's the one pissed off. I'm not going near him for a day. He claimed I was going to fail no matter what. And he said that if I didn't do any better than I'm doing (I am doing as good as I fucking well can), then they will make life hell for me. Just because of one NOT HALF BAD LATIN GRADE. IT'S FUCKING LATIN!!!!!! HOW THE HELL IS MY LATIN GRADE GOING TO AFFECT THE REST OF MY LIFE???? And my super-educator parents who promote 'the best in me' are now saying that 'oh well, you're going to live a mediocre life'? Thanks, guys. Real good parenting.
Jon Kinney, you're still a fucking cunt. I'm not going to forgive you for what you said about Calibre, our music, and everything relating to us. And for lying about what some members said just to get me to think differently. You're not funny. Fuck you.
And my friends, I haven't yet changed my opinions on most of you. You just don't give a shit. Thanks a lot, guys. Some loyal friends you are.
Not much has changed since the last post except now my dad claims I'm going to be a failure in life and live in mediocrity and not go to a super-elite Ivy League college or 'have all the options I could have' just because I'm not a straight-A student. And judging by some things said in a widely-used mental/physical/sexual health textbook, I have 10 out of 13 symptoms of clinical depression/suicidal tendencies and several possible warning signs of binge eating disorder. Not like I believe most of that bullshit anyway.
Right now, I just want everybody to die and leave me the fuck alone. Don't bother with it. It's probably not your issue anyway.