He's holding back from Telling her exactly what it feels like...

Nov 23, 2004 15:49

Well, this week has been good so far, for many reasons. 1. NO DANCE!! yes expect ill miss my favorite couple Josh and Miss Kim. Yesterday the fam from Texas came over. Sammy and Brendon look alike and they r both cute. Alex was mad cuz Brendon messed up his PS2 games, but hey thats what little kids do. Brendon kept pressing the button to open the Ps2 and then he wud put a game in, close and then repeat but changing the game each time. He was pretty busy doing that for a long time. and he didnt wanna go downstairs everytime i asked him. Sammy has gotten so big now, shes 6. Ne ways i enterained the kids most of time and had fun. Blah, im sure you dont wanna hear the details of that, cause most of you probably dont care. Moving on i woke up today and was MAdd tired. Skewl was the same gay. Global was gay, expect for talkign to Zak and Meghan. Gym, last day of aerobics. We watched RUSSell Simmons, ha funny ass tap. Volleyball starts when we come bak, so we gotta pick teams. the seniors in my gym class will probably win, and yeah. exciting times. not actually playing cuz i suck ass, but watching it at the end. and missing class.  Earth Science the room was overheated and hot again. we come from gym you would think she cud at least open the windows. Randy and Steve were talking about their V-ball team and nicole kept asking them if she cud b on their team. but i dont think randys team will win in our gym class but they will b one of the better teams. child development- test kinda hard but im not worried about that class. were watching some gay movie tomorrow, so that equals sleep time. Spanish- NO MRS LEDZION!! whoo hoo, just talked 2 kara, frank and maddy the whole time. and also went to the " bathroom" ( zaks lunch), talked 2 him for a bit but then mr kopacz comes and kicks me out. lunch- u kno i usually wander around for 10 mins or so, talk 2 lori and whoever else is in the hall or in class, and then go 2 lunch cuz its boring as hell. and i forgot 2 bring my math stuff cuz i was planning on studying in there. so i studied from what notes Leah had on her. Math- hard ass test, and it counts 50% of r grade and if i did bad then my grade is gonna drop significantly. so i gotta take my tests more seriously now and sutdy, and bring my grade up. i didnt finish in the period and which sucks is i have study hall right after so i jus stayed there and finished it. if i didnt have study hall i cudda stuided more and then came bak and took it. What i should have done was left and acted like i was gonna ask my teacher if i cud finish a test and quickly study. Uhghhh ne ways. study hall- no miss quinn and the sub was all up in everyones bussiness. and someone was talking about beer pong and she was all like i shouldnt b hearing that none of u guys shud b drinking, and its like well u shouldnt b eves dropping. ugh i hate wehn ppl do that. and i didnt get ne earth science accomplished that i wanted to get done. o well its due monday i got time. english- no mr lopez so it was " SSR". funny times. dean tried giving jason a wedgie madd funny. and sam and me through lil balls of paper on matts head cuz he was sleeping and then dean took his book and made it a tent on his neck and put a pencil in his shirt. the sub isnt doing nothing when sam is dying of laughter and matt didnt feel none of it. funny/good times. thats skewl and now im home. In an hour or so im going out 2 eat wit Lori and Donnell. we r going 2 IHOP yum i havent had some pancakes in a long time. 1 MORE DAY OF SKEWL!!!!!!!!! yes, and then FX wit Bianca and ppl. whoo whoo.. good week. and a well deserved break. well im out for now. peace.
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