Aug 16, 2005 13:36
Ugh when one things going good just about everything else turns to shit why is that? because life kinda sucks like that but whatev. I've been in the "whatev" mindset a lot lately. And for some reason I suddenly feel really irritated and stressed out but by this coming Saturday August 20th that shall all change because it will be my 18th birthday and I will party the fucking night away and every night after that because 17 brought nothing but bad stuff for me [in the long run don't get me wrong i did have those days and nights that i never wanted to end] but 18 is my year to just get everything together chill out but not too much and make up for every bad day i had being 17.
Aside from that highlights as of late:
Jaime and I have been getting along so very well for the most part not too much trouble in "paradise" he takes care of me and he loves me and i love him and have learned to at least try and be a better girlfriend to him it's hard being with someone who see's quite a few things completely opposite of how i see things but i love him so much and we always manage to work out our differences so go us.
Jaime's birthday bbq was fun i still have to post the pics from that.
OH MY GOD BRITTANY M Angebrandt my BEST FRIEND from KINDERGARTEN and I mean like first week of school pushed me off the swing and called me a friend-stealer then complimented all material things she liked about me when she got in trouble for it and then became my best friend, best friend...uh i kinda lost myself there but still I haven't seen her in like a year and a half and actually hung out with her it's been like 2 years thanks to me being a sucky friend, but she came into my job on Sunday morning and it was so great seeing her and we're going to hang out soon and get back on track.
Jade visited me at work on Sunday afternoon just before my hell shift was over and it was great to see her right before she left for SF, I'm so excited for her and I'm glad that we did end up seeing each other even for only a few minutes before she left because she's been my friend since like 1st grade and although we had out little high school fallout i love her like a sister and i just wish her the best in college and i'll be visiting her way too much in SF =)
Jenfuh showed up at Jaime's birthday bbq and we hung out with her later that night.....THEN yesterday we were supposed to go swimming but it was cloudy so we just ended up sitting around and talking for a few hours, hopefully i'll see her again soon, i love her forever even though we do have our stupid "fine fuck it im not talking to you for another 3 months arguments" and i can't wait to drive so we can hang out even more.
im forgetting other highlights i know but whatev OH WAIT! Lauren just got her car which means plenty of hanging out outside of work for us now [i've known her since like 1st of 2nd grade thru jr. high AND HIGH SCHOOL with no fall out as well, love her and now we work together beautiful huh?]
and Roshell my lovely pegasus lover is to leave for college soon too =( i shall miss her and hold onto the beautiful moments we had while working together every day.....NOT! SO LONG PEGASUS! SEE YA LATER IF YOU'RE LUCKY! jk i'll visit her too.
k when life gives you lemons pass them onto someone else and make their life a bitch too. almost the end.....
THE END for now