
Mar 20, 2005 20:57

So today was SO FUN!
and the weird thing is, I spent the entire day with mom dad and little brother, it's been so long since we last all went out....well at least 2 months or so, but it was nice, we all went to church this morning, and Gordon the cool usher guy gave me the palm cross he made cuz I said I liked it and my mom said he's my boyfriend [he's like 50 something] he's so nice though! I was happy. Then after church walked out to the car with Adam and his family which is kinda like family to me cuz his mom and dad are so sweet and I've known Adam for like ever! Then Dad, brother and myself went to the Optometrist cuz I'm getting glasses. Then came home and went with mommy and brother to Sam's Club, haha that place is so ginormous. Then came home and did some homework, talked to Jaimers and Lisa, was gonna hang out with them, but then decided just to stay home cuz my mom made a big delicious dinner. Anyways, today was nice.

Tomorrow [Monday] I've actually got stuff to do, I work 6-10am, then I think Jaimers and I are going to lunch, I'm crossing my fingers for no arguments, cuz he is my very best friend in this world no matter what, we're just horrible together in a relationship [at least for the time being] then I have to go back to the Optometrist at like 2, then go run more errands with dad and brother. Then I should be home by like 6 or so. From then on it's all homework and Monday night t.v. I guess. Meh.

Tuesday=I'm free until 5pm cuz I've gotta go help teach the confirmation class with my homies as always [Jaimers, Adam, and Johnny] and that shall last til about 9:30 pm.

then Wednesday morning I'm free til 1pm, and then I'm free after about 2:30 pm cuz I don't have many tests to take at class. Mario invited me to the anti war protest at the orange circle at 5:30 or something though, so maybe I'll go check that out and see some friends, since the circle is like a few blocks from my house.

Thursday work til 2. free after that.

Friday no plans
Saturday possibly Knotts Berry Farm with the homies.
Sunday church in the morning no plans after

and that is me edited schedule of this week.
woot woot.
anyone wanna be penciled in for some quality super fun hang out time?just let me know.
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