May 29, 2006 19:49
long weekend.
fun times.
at more than i have in the past month.
saw my boo.
scared st. cloud hick kids.
lived out of a bookbag.
drove for hours.
read a book.
barely showered. lol.
didn't care.
learned a LOT.
doors opened.
hearts closed.
gained simplicity.
my uncle is still in the hospital. 3 weeks and counting he'll be there for a while longer. he was HIGHLY sedated and not his usual self. he was depressed about being contained behind 4 plain walls, a television, and 3 scheduled meals. however, i saw the biggest smile when he entered the lobby and friggin 2/3 of my family was there. it was awesome and that made the trip well worth it. He lost 80% of his leg. there is nothing left on his calf except his bones and minimal muscle. he's had 1 surgery performed and 2 more to go. plastic surgery to transfer muscle from his stomach to his calf and to transfer bones from his hip to the same place. it was awful. he had pins all through his leg and was barely mobile. he did walk before we left the hospital though, it was awesome. he had a look in his eyes of desperation, worry, and failure. he confessed to feeling less capable of supporting his family seeing how he can't work for 7 months and has to wear a cast the whole time, pins included. the woman who hit him ( ran a stop sign,threw him, dragged his bike for 20 feet, and then continued to drive while her children screamed that she hit a man)is being sued : for all medical bills, all surgeries, all material losses, and for my uncles salary while he is unemployed. ugh @ humanity. how could she keep driving? and don't worry she is being charged with NOTHING. not attempted manslaughter, not leaving the scene of a crime, NOTHING. yay for our justice system...not.