remember the spice girls playstation game? spice world.
i just found it and have been playing it. oh the memories.
it's only now i realise what a pos it is.
i'm going on the skip trip in.. erm.. 4 months? *shrug* who's counting? MEEEEE, oh how fun. i'm flying with friends. woohoo.
i had a lovely night. went out with a few friends for dinner and to the beaaaaaautiful foreshore.
i got some photos, but sadly my photography skills are lacking (VERY MUCH SO) so, only a couple of photos turned out.
there was this guy right, he was eating with his family and stuff, he was probably about 20 and he had a mental illness.. just really slow and stuff, iuno.. he wasn't easy on the eye either. at all. but i got out of the long chairy thing and walked past and he lifted up my dress full tango and grabbed my ass.
it was really quite disgusting. and embarassing. i didn't even notice he lifted up my skirt at first. nobody really saw, EXCEPT HIS DAD.
that's my story.
i need to have several showers.
photogz? (EHE, LANO AND WOODLEY. love it)
i need to clean my mirror. sorry guys, but heres some pics anyway.
(im so shiat)
a kiss and a whole bunch of unwanted flashage. + yobbo sports uniform. fully sick.
(tegan looks stoned. poor child)
lets play guess who. guess who's face is whited out? HAR.HAR. the rest of the pics look like this. it was really hazy in there.
bye guys. :]
oh, ps, no phonecall. FUNNY THAT!