Mar 31, 2009 18:12
...Finally. It was nice this morning so I went for a quick walk before I was due to start in the shop. The cherry blossoms are really coming on too, which is nice ^^.
I'm glad Spring is finally here, everything just seems a lot brighter, especially after that awful winter we just had. Hopefully this is a sign of better things to come.
Haven't really done much the last couple of days, Momoe nee-san is taking me to the cinema this weekend to go see something that she's wanted to see for ages {some romantic comedy or other, don't know which one yet}.
The only thing I dislike about spring, is the arrival of bees, wasps and hornets. The bees are fine normally, it's the wasps and hornets -_- {not to mention I was enjoying not having to cart around an epipen all winter since the bees were pretty much non existant}.
Anyways got to go, ended up on the late shift this evening for some reason {Hikariiii, come save from complete boredom... please?}. See everyone later, love miya xx