Well it's quite amazing what can happen in a matter of weeks, everything looked perfect and i was as i said previously the happiest i'd ever been, until a few weeks ago i started thinking that maybe a relationship wasn't what i needed, and everyone saw that too. I became really distant with Justin and i didn't think that was right at all, so sadly i ended it with him because i felt that i had out grown the love i held for him for three years, i do still love him and of course i always will...i just think its not meant to be.
So, yeah i'm now officially single. Not really on the look out at the moment, im just going to enjoy life with my friends and try and sort out my college life as im trailing pretty bad with that. But we'll see, if someone comes along then thats great but right now im not looking because iwant to save the memories i had with justin first.
Soon my birthday, i'm like one of the youngest people i know which is gay, everyone has already turned 18 and theres lil ol me standing at the side lines waiting for my birthday *tuesday 28th* if anyone wants to know.
Wednesday im having a get together at the KA in north walsham with some mates, few drinks haha and that'll be from about dinner time til about 4 lol. So hopefuly that'll be cool. Don't really have much to say right now, other than im kinda changing my style, i dont know what to but i know im kinda sick of always wearing black, my music tastes arent changing and stuff it's just the case of ...not much more black. i want colours :)
Anyway, i better be off seeing as im meant to be "ill" and not at college lol.
Love Rach
p.s Carrie...ur awesome amazing!! :)
caz_666 - check her out :) shes great! <3