oh norah, i'll come away with you..

Apr 24, 2005 09:49

Whenever I can't sleep I always listen to Norah Jones and *snaps fingers* im out like a lightbulb. Her music is so calming and relaxing, plus she's got a cool first name..Norah--niiiiice.

So, why am I posting? Ehh, I don't know, todays the last day of vacation, it's raining outside, im in my pj's, and i've realized that my relationship has gone nowhere. Same ol' same ol'. I don't know, I'm just so tired of flirting and joking around but not getting anywhere. Flirting should be ruled out; you can't tell if the person likes you until one of you takes the first move and if that ends badly then you're embarassed and back to where you started.

Sometimes I wish life was just like the game LIFE, nice and easy, but then if that were so I'd be stuck driving the mini-van with 6 kids. (I hate that game, now that I'm thinking about it. I ALWAYS got stuck with the most kids. Stupid cards)

Let me leave you with a world famous, Kaitlyn's Songs for Kids: How to let your kids know important shit
Today is grandma's birthday
She's turning 94
Today is grandma's birthday
So you better go because there's not many mooooreee!!
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