So. 2006 was pretty much teh suck.

Jan 01, 2007 14:18

I want Hal Sparks. I mean, okay, so I don't want him want him, not in a low-budget porno (fluorescent lighting!) kind of way. But I really just want to come home one day and find Hal Sparks just sitting there on my couch with a big bucket of popcorn in his lap. Because then I'd sit by him and we'd watch a movie like Mean Girls or something. And drink Diet Coke. And he'd be my buddy and we'd just chill, y'know? And I'd call my friends and be all, "Hey, Hal Sparks is here, we're watching a movie. Wanna join us?" But only people I reeeeeally like.

...Hal Sparks could also very easily be substituted by Ian McKellan, though. I LOVE THEM BOTH.

But if it were Alex Kapranos on the other hand, I'd take him out. To like, a bookstore or a museum or, hell, even a gay bar. The thing is, there'd be partying involved. YES, at a bookstore. Oh, and coffee. There'd be lots of coffee. And food. But not like, McDonald's. The man wrote a freaking book on food, so I'd let him decide where to go. And we'd just run around the city, sampling culture and stuff, meeting people, doing things. But Splits'd have to come with us, being that we are brain twinz and Mr. Kapranos is astrologically compatible to be our celebrity biffle.

Do I sound like a complete moron? Does this make any sense? Would a meme make me more credible?

Pilfered from boheme06
Comment and:
1. I’ll respond with something random about you.
2. I’ll challenge you to try something.
3. I’ll pick a color that I associate with you.
4. I’ll tell you something I like about you.
5. I’ll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I’ll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I’ll ask you something I’ve always wanted to ask you.
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on yours. (Unless you want to)

I also really, really want to make a voice post. I feel like, I don't know, singing. OKAY IT SOUNDS REALLY LAME TYPED OUT BUT IT MAKES SENSE IN MY HEAD. You guys wouldn't want to hear me sing, would you? I mean, it'd be covers and stuff. But... okay, yeah. Whatever. I said nothing.

Also, OTP!
And how weird is this? Soooooo weeeeeeiiiiiiird.

Okay, HOMG. I just found this poem I wrote. About Ian McKellan and this movie he was in. Wanna read it? Because if you guys want, I'll put it up here later.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Everyone's posts are all, "ZOMG HAPPAY NEW YEARZ!" I refuse to say anything on this subject. Other than, you know, I'm over it. Aaaaand that I really want to go to NYC for New Yearz next year. And to commemorate this new year, I shall give you guys a song. By The Joey Machine. It is indeed, appropriately titled.

Happy New Year - The Joey Machine

...also, we went to the Tournament of Roses today. It was... crowded. And pretty chill. And the place where we stood was all dark and shadowy and pretty much the emo corner of the parade. BUT GO MICHIGAN! WOOT!

Anyway. So this is uber long and rather pointless, so I LOVE YOU AND DON'T MAKE THIS YEAR SUCK AND BUH-BYE!!!

hal sparks, the joey machine, real life, alex kapranos, rose bowl parade, meme, ian mckellan, zomg happay new yearz

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