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May 13, 2009 22:12

If you don't want todays episode of CSI:NY spoiled for you don't read this. Also don't read this if you don't like fangirling.
IT WAS ALLLLL MAC AND STELLA. And you all should know that I am the biggest fucking fangirl of Mac/Stella. THE BIGGESSST ONE EVER.
Sosososo. Stella goes to Greece to chase this man, the Professor, that has been in her life since she was a little girl. He got her into Foster care and everything(: Unfortunately she learns that this man had lied to her and stolen from the Greek goverment. It's a lonnnng back story and I am tooooo giddy to go into detail.

And so when they figure out where Stella went MAC GOES AFTER HER 8DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. HE FOLLOWS HER TO GREECE. FROM NYC. GREECCCCCCCCCCE!!!!! And and she gets attacked while in Greece by the Professors brother but Mac saves her and comforts her and YAY<3333333. So, she learns more about her past and its really, really heartbreaking. I love Stella, I really really do so I was like crying the entire time ;_; Mac and Stella go to some orchid and they find the Professor and his brother, who was responsible for the two murders previous back in NYC (they first thought it was the Professor ;; ) and the brother shoots at Mac and Stella. Mac covers her, of course. -Giggles like mad.- Then he chases the brother and there is this whole gun shooting scene. Stella finds the Professor and they talk and he admits that he was in on the smuggling thing, he explains everything but then the brother shoots at them and the Professor steps infront of her and ends up getting shot. He dies in her arms and she's sobbing her eyes out and Mac comes up and he holds her and comforts her and its so so so cute and so so so horrible.

They go back to NYC and it shows this freakishly adorable corny scene where Stella tells Mac his fortune through coffee beans and its so cute and she hints at something golden and whatever and he gives her her badge back which she had surrendered to him in the first couple of minutes of the show. And then she goes on about how she is the woman in his life (AHHHHHHHH) and how he adores her (AHHHHHHH) but sometimes she drives him insane (AHHHHHHHHHH) <3333333333 and he does this little smile that I fuckiiiing love *____* And then the episode ends. Through the last five minutes while she was telling his fortune I was holding in my obnoxiously loud squeal. When it was over I losssssssst it. I was squealing and screaming and my mother and sister think I need a life...XDDDDDDDDDDD.

Someone dies tomorrow 0_0 Someone big. I AM SCARED.

fangirl, csi:ny, gary sinise, squeal, omgomgomgomg, mac, yay!, stella

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