Things that made me happy today.

Aug 03, 2010 02:00


Kevin. The Snipe, from UP. I'm kinda sorta in love with him. Her. Same difference. I want one so bad.
I watched the movie today and bawled through the entire thing xD.


lizz_66 's icon. I looked on her userpic page to see who it was made by but didn't find it. I'm gonna assume she made it...either way, it's fucking beautiful and I love it so much.

oo3. The TH interview where Jin asks them who they would bite if they were turned to vampires and Tom has to double check that Bill was already a vampire. You know Tom got some good twin lovin' for that. ♥

oo4. Hanging out with my friend Renee and her sister(: It's been a year since I've seen Renee and I misssed her so much(: We ate a ton of junk food, laughed a lot and watched three hours of The Bachelorette.

i want a kevin snipe, tokio hotel, twincest, life, friends

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