Feb 08, 2006 19:08
You know, I'm not even entirely sure why I am so upset about not making it into the spirit assembly for the second time this year. I mean, everyone else is just "Oh, who cares? It's just a stupid assembly", and yes I agree. I think the thing that really gets me, is realizing that even my own high school has fallen into that "category" I hate, along with Supernova.
In many ways, you, the reader, may not understand what I am trying to say, but why does it always have to be the same people? The same bands? The same people on the student council? Why don't they change it up? We're a friggin arts school, nobody is THAT horrible, so again I say, why do they choose the same bloody people? Why is it that I have these thoughts circulating in my head that if TBA puts Anthony on bass while I'm in Florida, they'd actually get accepted into the assembly?
Supernova are just bad people who take your money, so why do you have to give them so much money, only to play for so many minutes? What do they use this money for? Why is it that you have to be in the "in" crowd with the Supernova people in order to get a 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize? Where the fuck is the justice in that?
Why am I asking all these rhetorical questions if I already know the answer?
-aShLeY (aka the girl who's lost faith in everything she sets her mind to)