Feb 18, 2007 11:11
I've come to a sad realization that this world is probably one of the most confusing of them all. I tried explaining what I am about to explain, to my friends once but they didn't understand. Okay so here it goes. If you really think about this it might be wierd but oh well. When ever someone says "what if this and this happened...wouldnt it be funny" They would have never thought of it happening, unless it happened before. I mean yea there are inventers and stuff, but do they really just think of that stuff out of no where? SOMETHING or SOMEONE must have had the idea before hand, or else they would have never thought about it. I mean think of how old this world is. How many people have been alive and living on this Earth and just one person out of millions and bajillions of people think of something completely new? Something has to bring up that idea. I mean, there are so many things out there that are unexplained and I think one of them is the human mind. I mean come on, people say that they know it. Everything what causes what, but where do these ideas come from? Ideas out of no where? Someone must have thought about it before or else no one would ever think of it. They wouldn't even know it would exist.
I know some of you are like "Ker you are nuts" but hey i've thought about this before. I've spent endless hours thinking about it too. Pathetic I know, but still. Don't you guys ever wonder about things? I mean... about things that you would never think of. How the world works, why it works the way it does, why people think the way that they do, how can some people be so good at interperting things and others can't. How come the stars never move or what is their purpose. I mean I for one, I dont think that God made this Earth. I might be Christian but honestly, I dont think that people came from Adam and Eve. I mean there are some concepts that I accept and others that I don't. The ones that I don't seem to be the most important ones too. Like adam and eve, the world being created, the conception of jesus. I mean I might sound like an ass or something, but its just something that I don't comprehend. I dont think that Mary Magdaline (Spelling is way off) was just an acquaintance. I mean I think her and Jesus had a little thing going on. Did you guys even realize why I might think that. I mean the Da Vinci Code has a lot to do with this. There are scriptures written by Mary but they were not put into the bible, why is the church so against having a female in charge of a church? I think that there was descendents of Jesus. I mean there was certain things in stories and the way that John, Peter, Paul, etc. talked words today, meant different a long time ago. They way that they talked, it seemed as if Jesus and Mary were more than just acquantances.
I mean I do believe in God. I just don't believe that what I was taught my whole life, itsnt not really something that I really believe. I believe in angles, ghosts (reasonable cause, people who know me know why...especially beana lol.) I believe that abortion is a woman's choice. Yes a lot of you say its murder, very true. I don't disagree with you. However, every woman has an attachment to their baby in some way. It's their baby. It's a mother instint to have some . I wouldn't have my child suffering because of my carelessness. Why have something if you can't take care of it? Its like having a puppy. If you cant take care of it, you have to give it up. Yes I know another phrase that might come up to mind like "Well, maybe they shouldn't have opened up their legs." All I have to say is, that is probably one of the most disrespectful thing anyone could say towards anyone. People make their own choices. What if a lady was raped and she became pregnant because of it? Do you personally know this person so they "open up their legs without thinking?" What if you were put in that situation? (If you're a girl) It's not something you expect to happen unless its planned. I know if I was pregant I would highly consider abortion because I wouldn't be able to support my baby. I wouldn't want any one else taking care of them either. I mean I know that sounds selfish but that baby would have been made from me and a significant other. I wouldn't want any one else raising it but me. Even then you still have an attachment to the dog because you were there in the beginning. Even if it was only for a few. I wouldn't put my child through hard times like not knowing who their mother or father is. They will always wonder who it is, I know I still wonder about my father. I know that my ex wondered about his father. I know people that wonder about thier parents also. Its something that everyone does, they wonder. I mean you guys can go ahead and give me your opinions. Im not going to chastise any one at all. Everyone has different opinions and I respect that.
I encourage you to put out your opinion. Speak it loud, I would like to hear :]