Mar 22, 2007 16:36
today was a pretty eventful day.
i started a new job on monday at a call centre. today was my day off and i was all excited cause i could sleep for as long as i wanted. only until i remembered i had a meeting with someone at algonquin. so tara and greg drove me there, cause they had to go get an ultrasound done.and oh yes..tara is having TWINS:D:D:D im uber excited. anyways. i went to my meeting and found out that the early childhood education fall program was completely full. but i have a good chance of getting into the winter intake. so i got all the info i need on that, and applying for loans and residence. and shit like that. so now that i have that all done, its just waiting til later on in the spring or sometime early this summer to start sending off all my shit. i feel a lot better now taht i know exactly whats going on and what i have to do and shit. so yay. anyways. i got a call today from the humane socitey:). yep i have a nother job..i went from having no job. to having two. its great. my job at the call centre is going to continue being full time. and im going to go on at the humane society part time. its going to be great. im pumped. so yeah. thats about it. im tried and i wanna sleep lots.