
Nov 23, 2004 14:44

Wow,I haven't updated in a while. Well, anyways, hmm...I went to The Hawthorne, Bayside, Mest, and Punchline show like a few weeks ago. It was so much fun, me and Alana moshed wooohoooo...Lots of my peoples were there, like Sarah and Darren and Jordan and Kaitlyn, Tim, and Benny. Alana, Kaitlyn, and I took a taxi home because Tim left during Mest and he was supposed to bring us to some party at Bowdoin which actually ended up being in the woods behind Ketcham. Hahahaha and the funniest thing happened, the taxi driver guy was like, "Watch out for that guy out there..." We were like, "What?!" And we look outside and there's this skunk walking all over the road and this persons yard. We ran down Alana's driveway and into her house, jeez, it was hmm, I dunno, crazy. We ate ice cream and all this food. It was a fantastic night. Then, in the morning I went home. Then, like the week after, I went to the Matchbook show. Lots of my friends were there and that was cool. Like Benny, Sarah, Christy, Mike P., Jordan, Alana, Kaitlyn, Mike R, Quicci, Tim, Christina and her boyfriend. Alana and I got hit on by this married guy. We asked his name and he was like you girls are to young for me, yet, he continued to flirt with us. And he said we should be roadies, I was like, "Oh yea!" lol, It was so weird though because this guy even had kids. So we were being hit on not just by a married guy but, a married DAD. I wanted to eat this other guys pizza who was selling merchandise. It looked really good. I moshed that night but this girl who was sitting on the edge was pushing me so I pushed her back and she gave me this dirty look and put her hand up, so I put my hand up and Christina comes over and starts yelling at her. Haha, don't mess with me and Christina, EVER! Mike and me got a ride home with Jordan. Isn't that just so nice of Mrs. Lamoree? I think so. Let's see...what else has been happening in my life? I have been staying after alot with Lauren, Alana, and Keli for yearbook. Sometimes Keli and I watch the wrestler boys run around the school, hehehe. =) Yesterday Lauren, Keli, and I stayed after for yearbook but we ended up just hanging around the school for a lot of the time. Today, Keli and I are staying after because we hate going home, lol, most people hate being at school but we rather be here than home. We're such crack heads! jk jk...So Alex is like right here saying I can't type...nice, nice. Keli and I decided to hang out with him while he finished a lab. So we're in room 292, a bio room with Ms. Manzo...and there's a sign on the wall thaty says, " See Dick. Dick has Aids." Then it shows a stick figure of Dick and these girls he did the hanky pancky with. And then it shows the stick figures of all the other people who did the hanky panky with these girls and so on...it's just a never ending web of Aids...Then it says," Dick's not the only one." "It only takes one dick." Hahaha. Well anyways, you can tell I'm just sitting here with nothing else to do. Wow, Alex and Ms. Manzo were just discussing testicles and scrotums...nice, nice. I don't know why or how they started talking about that for...I think because they were talking about steroids and that led to how steroids shrink the junk, if you know what I mean. Well, anyways, I better go because Keli's mom is bringing me home at 3:30 PM and it is approximately 3:15 PM and we want to visit Jordan in Mr. Manzo's room because he stayed after for Earth Science. Did you know that Keli, Alex, And I are in Mrs. Manzo's room? Yeap, she's Mr. Manzo's wife. Well, I'm going to go, Love you all!

=) Ashley*
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