fun in the park.

Apr 02, 2010 01:15

i know updating anything or having any correspondence after midnight is Not a Good Idea, but ah, oh fricking well.

Today was GORGEOUS, so I went to the park around five o'clock. I took it upon myself to take a picture of every dog I saw. I was somewhat successful in my mission.  (I seekritly shot a Mastiff [FREAKING HUGE DOG, OMG] and Labrador. I shot a poodle [moar about that later] and a dog of an unknown breed. I saw two small dogs and a boston terrier but my camera had run out of memory.

There were some dudes in the tennis court with a lovely poodle. I took pictures of it, and the guy was really nice about it.

I'm gonna go back tomorrow and take artsy-fartsy pictures of the swings and shit.

There's more stuff to talk about but I'm too lazeeeeee.

/rant, i am a photography nerd like woah, rl

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