Title: The Sharpest Lives are the Deadliest to Lead (Part Seven)
Pairing: Gerard/ Lyn-z, Frank/OFC
Rating: PG
Author: Me! (xmexandxyoux)
Disclaimer: I’m certain this didn’t happen. I do not own.
A/N: Title belongs to MCR.
So. It’s finally over. It’s amazing, this only took less than a week to write. I really like this one and I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did writing.
Thank you to Rachel (and happy birthday!) and shattered_ink and nalgene_sips for putting up with my late postings. (Actually, I rather think I was pretty on time with this one...)
Summary: Somehow, the figure outside found herself wishing she were part of it all, but knowing she never could.
But the Past Ain’t Through With You
Things had gone back to normal since that fateful night. Well, except for the bands on Lindsey’s and Gerard’s fingers and Lindsey’s rather rotund tummy. Frank and Lylla also had good news to divulge. They’d discussed it and agreed that they wanted marriage, though they weren’t certain of a date.
The room was full of light, and not just because the lights were on, but rather because of the joyful energy emanating from those inside. Somehow, the figure outside found herself wishing she were part of it all, but knowing she never could. Black cloth billowed around her knees as long silver hair blew into her face. The unconditional love for Lindsey displayed in Gerard’s eyes pained her. She wiped a tear from her dark dull eyes and let out a deep sigh. Gerard’s head turned to the window and for a second, he thought he spotted a familiar face. Getting up to investigate, however, there was nothing to be found.
"What is it, Gee?" Lindsey called.
"Nothing." He decided. "My eyes were just playing tricks on me." He replied, facing them with a grin. But he had the feeling they weren’t alone. "I’m gonna step outside for a minute."
"Are you all right? Come sit back down and I’ll make you some tea." Gerard smiled at her concern, for the pregnancy had made her a little more bizarre than usual.
"I’ll be fine." He assured her, proceeding outside to stare up at the full moon. "Crazy bitch." He muttered. The night was still: it seemed to mock him. "Come on, I know you’re out here." He said to the indigo sky. Silence. "There’s no use hiding. Show yourself." Helena dropped from the roof, landing silently behind him.
"Hello, Gerard." She whispered, causing him to jump. She smirked at the pace his heart was going.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were dead."
"Oh, did you now? Don’t worry, I’m not here to cause trouble."
"You are trouble, Helena."
"Thank you. But, really. I just came to say goodbye." Helena leaned up and kissed surprised Gerard, bittersweet and melancholy. "You’re going to make a good father." She said ruefully. "Perhaps our paths will cross again in the future." Helena spoke with enigma before she turned on her heel, Gerard watching her walk away for the final time, until she was out of view.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six