OK, first and foremost, Drew is done driving for a while. Whether or not i'll actually be staying put in any foreseeable weekend is debatable, but if i am going somewhere, someone else be drivin. Nuff said.
Silly Drew. Thinking this weekend would be unfun. Clan Tropiano is rockin. Crazier than a box full of bats, but no less rockin. Although they are under the impression that my scrawny ass got that way because i don't eat.
V for Vendetta didn't suck. Must read the comic now to see how it translated. only one or two parts were Pre-dict-able! but thankfully we had rocket scientists in the audience. *counter-slam!* to the doofuses. (doofi?)
And the Final Trek is finally complete. no more driving to rochester for me. less its to see aunt carol. then i might drive MAYBE. but i'm definitely done with the RIT campus. whoooooo!
A final congratulations to
bryanna_hiasobi, and Jon's LJ user name which i don't know. But him too. Ya'll made it out alive!
now to see if jon will come home soon enough for me to not have to do anything else but lie on the bed rehydrating till he does.