...and it would be my Grandma Lucases birthday, too, but...she died almost 7 years ago, and I dont like thinking about that...cause it...changed my life in too many ways to count. Lung cancer pisses me off.
I think my mom is onto the fact that I talk to Matt on the phone...cause she noticed the new picture I have of him in my room and saw "Matt" was in the recent calls on my phone, he came up when we were in the car coming back from Burlington today...and so did Ben because like every song that reminded me of him came on and humming really loud over them and making parodies and stuff and my mom asked what ever happened to me hanging out with him all the time and she asked if we "Broke up" and I was just like..."We never went out and we never talk anymore, not a big loss"
And that was that...and I told her not to bring him up again.
She asked if I still talked to "those people from mt pleasant"
I told her it didn't matter.
AJ was talking to me about Homecoming, to which I have no date.
he's going to force me into going to homecoming...hahaha
such is life.
http://www.buckle.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?itemID=7459&itemType=PRODUCT&iMainCat=5&iSubCat=30&iSubSubCat=113&iViewAll=0&iViewProducts=0&iProductID=7459&sWhichLN=1&iParentProducts=0 http://www.buckle.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?itemID=7767&itemType=PRODUCT&iMainCat=5&iSubCat=35&iSubSubCat=363&iViewAll=0&iViewProducts=1&iProductID=7767&sWhichLN=1&iParentProducts=0 http://www.buckle.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?lGen=crossSell&itemID=4940&itemType=PRODUCT&iProductID=4940&sWhichLN=1&iParentProducts=0&iViewProducts=1&iViewAll=0&iMainCat=5&iSubCat=35&iSubSubCat=363 http://www.buckle.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?itemID=2527&itemType=PRODUCT&iMainCat=5&iSubCat=35&iSubSubCat=198&iViewAll=1&iViewProducts=1&iProductID=2527&sWhichLN=1&iParentProducts=0^I got that in hot pink and white
and thats...what I got...and Sunday I got a cream colored v neck sweater and a 3/4 sleeve black Tommy shirt....woohoo.
it's my dad's birthday, and I haven't talked to him or anything...apparently my sister's quite pissed off at him for various reasons...
and now Im gonna eat my spaghetti with no meat in it and go to bed.
since school tomorrow is going to suck just as much as today...